Friday, May 31, 2019
Family Day Essay -- essays research papers
Family DayWhen I was around 6, I had gotten out of church exhausting my nice church clothes with a tie, shoes, dressy pants, and a blazer. I was with my mom, dadaism, brother, and sister, who all had on church clothes too. My sister had the same things my mom had on, a unappeasable long skirt with an expensive white shirt. My brother and dad had on the same thing too black shoes, navy blue pants, black bowtie and white shirt. I was the only one with a blazer on. My siblings and I were really happy we all went to church together, so I guess my dad was happy because of that, only if he had a tired look on his face too.After church, my parents decided we should go to the botanical gardens and spend the rest of the twenty-four hours there. My dad had an old Chevy that sounded pretty good it got us where we needed to go. It had some rust on the edges here and there, but all and all it was a good running car. The inside smelled akin pine because my dad washed the car that mourning a nd he always bought a freshener to make it smell like that. I never knew why he liked that smell because I hated it it always got me sick in that car, but today I didnt mind because we were going to have a fun time in the Botanical Gardens.The Botanical Gardens had a parking lot in front but you had to pay to get in. My dad was too cheap to pay, so he just parked it outside th...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Ambition and Passion :: Personal Experience, Descriptive
Essays -Ambition and Passion I go to camp every year and allow myself to love people, dreading the day when I will direct to depart from them. I claw at each moment, attempting to hold on to time. I do this even though I know from the beginning that as soon as I enter I will be hurled towards the last day, towards the end, towards good-bye. And it breaks my center. Yet every year, Im just so grateful to have had my heart broken. If there is one secret to living life it is passion passionate love, passionate hate, passionate hope, passionate joy, passionate work, passionate play, passionate pain and despair. tonus things to the tips of your fingertips, to the center of your soul. Its the only way that youll get something worth getting out of life. Its the only way that youll realize everything that Ive attempted to tell you in this letter, because heaven knows that I am merely giving you words, not experience. Live your life so that you may, in the end, be able to sit around a t able and eat, drink, and be merry with your family and friends and tell stories. Thats where your happiness is, in the ability to laugh at your life and cling to it dearly at the same time. The only people for me be the mad ones, the ones mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, nevertheless burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay --
Herman Melvilles novel Moby Dick can be take on as a green novel because Melville brought up in 1851 what we would still consider ecological issues today. Melville was not afraid to cause a little affray in his time, especially when talking about whaling, and so with whaling comes the discussion of the health of marine life. Even though Melville plays with controversial topics all throughout the novel such(prenominal) as religion, freewill, and equity, another theme emphasized in the book is, of course, about the whales and marine life. The novel is set during the early to mid 1800s in New Bedford, the largest whaling user interface at the time. Melville plunges the reader deep into the controversial industry we recognize as whaling by making the novel revolve around one task getting revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale. Even by just initially setting the stage of Moby Dick in New Bedford, Melville prepared for commenting on the whaling industry. By pushing limits and by publis hing one of the first criticisms and explorations of the whaling industry, Melville turns Moby Dick into a layered novel, in which issues concerning nature are a significant layer. Melville recognizes what the slaughter of whales is enacting and by utilizing his words, text, and language, Melville recognizes a larger global movement and issue. What began as a farming settlement that found success in maritime, federal agenty industries and the manufacturing of lights came to be considered the wealthiest port and the city that lit the world. This was the small town of New Bedford, Massachusetts, where amazing quantities of whale oil came from in the early 19th century. However, New Bedfords success also lead to its decline due to competitors and a decline in manufacturing aft... ..., 20 thousand or more blue whales were killed, and at the same time, the North Pacific color in whale population was reduced form 15-20,000 whales to a couple thousand (Estes 303). The problem with wha les however, is that so little is known about the effects and consequences of whaling both to the termination of the remaining population of whales and on the depletion of the populations effect on the environment (Estes 1).What little we do know, however, is that patterns of declining marine mammal populations, such as populations of pinnipeds and sea otters, have emerged in nature right after the deterioration of whaling in the North Pacific. It is theorized that a shift in diet and food webs is the major factor to the patterns of declining marine populations since food webs and predatory to prey interactions are critical for abundance and healthy population (Estes 2, 67).
Citizen Soldiers :: essays research papers
Citizen SoldiersFrom the beaches of Normandy to the German surrender. That is the length of the fight that Citizen Soldiers covers. It talks about personal stories and experiences from the private on the ground to the generals at the top. The book tells of the trials and tribulations of fighting a war far away from home and in many cases little knowledge of what the objectives ar and were the war is headed.The stories told in the book range from Lt. Waverly Wrays assault on the German hedges the day after landing at Normandy, to Sgt. Edgar Lauritsens accounts of German infiltration techniques.When Sgt. Lauritsen was manning a checkpoint on December 21, 1944, his CP was being shelled by a German tank. Just then two jeeploads of soldiers in American uniforms pulled up. There were nine of them. One a captain and the rest in enlisted uniforms. They pulled up, got out of the jeeps and began walking well-nigh a house near the checkpoint toward the German lines. Sgt. Lauritsen got suspic ious, so he asked the captain what unit he was with. When the captain replied with slight difficulty pronouncing his unit, he was shot in the back. Unfortunately, the eight men with him grabbed him and dragged the shot captain back to German lines. Stories like this are found throughout the book. These stories show how evasive and seemingly overly driven there enemy was. Although the book has many accounts of what general did this on that day, it merely helps paint the big picture of what was happening. The truly interesting parts of the book are where the young enlisted men tell their stories of what happened down in trench or at their machinegun bunker. Because of these men, America was able win the war on both fronts.In closing, this book is a good book to read if you want to learn about actual historical accounts of what happened down on the ground.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Friendship Through the Years :: Friendship Essay Personal Narrative
Friendship Through the YearsTwo sets of twins live in the house cattycorner to mine. All four are girls, and exclusively four are in diapers. The oldest set of twins, Michelle and Caitlin, are my age, and we quickly become playmates. Caitlin has striking red hair that drapes the bottom of her shoulder blades. She is so outgoing she would remonstrate with a hobo on the street if her mother were not there to stop her. Michelle, on the other hand, is quieter and more reserved. She is an inch or two shorter than the kids her age, and lacks the federal agency that dominates her sisters personality. She clings to me. Her shy personality coincides with my bold and adventurous one. She willingly becomes my sidekick, and joins me in numerous neighborhood adventures. We travel the grassy plains, and trek across the muddy rivers, stopping moreover for the occasional diaper change, and the pacifiers that fall behind. Our friendship is uncommon, exciting, and pure, but I am too young to treas ure this rare gift that God has given me. It is premiere grade, and not has much changed. Michelles short stature has only grown more apparent, and the increasing number of people surrounding her has become overwhelming. She clutches onto me, too frightened to meet her taller, bolder classmates. At recess, Michelle and I select the multicolor us that link together to capture chains. We plop ourselves down on the gray, matted carpet and begin to make necklaces and bracelets. Something makes us chuckle, and before you know it we are grabbing at our sides with laughter pains. Michelle laughs so hard that she pees all over our beautiful creations that we, and the classroom, left on the floor. Her angelic grinning turns immediately into an expressionless stare. I look into her puppy eyes and watch tear after tear streak down her cheeks into the pee that surrounds her. I deficiency to take that pain away from her. I want all those small, watchful eyes in the class to glare at me inst ead of innocent weensy Michelle. It is sixth grade and the Green Springs Special Chorus, which Michelle and I are a part of, is going to the junior high school to sing. Our choir is singing mid-seventies music, and we are required to wear seventies clothes. Michelle and I are matching from head to toe. Our attire consists of blue felt poodle skirts, white shirts, black scarves, and starch-white Keds shoes.
Friendship Through the Years :: Friendship Essay Personal Narrative
Friendship Through the YearsTwo sets of twins live in the house cattycorner to mine. All quartet ar girls, and all four are in diapers. The oldest set of twins, Michelle and Caitlin, are my age, and we quickly become playmates. Caitlin has striking red hair that drapes the bottom of her shoulder blades. She is so outgoing she would chat with a hobo on the street if her mother were non there to stop her. Michelle, on the other hand, is quieter and more reserved. She is an inch or two shorter than the kids her age, and lacks the confidence that dominates her sisters personality. She clings to me. Her shy personality coincides with my bold and adventurous one. She willingly becomes my sidekick, and joins me in numerous neighborhood adventures. We travel the grassy plains, and trek across the muddy rivers, stopping only for the perfunctory diaper change, and the pacifiers that fall behind. Our friendship is uncommon, exciting, and pure, but I am too young to treasure this rare gift that God has given me. It is first grade, and not has much changed. Michelles short stature has only grown more apparent, and the increasing number of people surrounding her has become overwhelming. She clutches onto me, too afraid to knock against her taller, bolder classmates. At recess, Michelle and I select the multicolor us that link together to make chains. We plop ourselves down on the gray, matted carpet and begin to make necklaces and bracelets. Something makes us chuckle, and before you know it we are grabbing at our sides with laughter pains. Michelle laughs so hard that she pees all over our beautiful creations that we, and the classroom, left on the floor. Her angelic smile turns directly into an expressionless stare. I look into her puppy eyes and watch tear after tear streak down her cheeks into the pee that surrounds her. I want to scoop that pain away from her. I want all those small, watchful eyes in the class to glare at me instead of innocent little Michelle. It is sixth grade and the Green Springs Special Chorus, which Michelle and I are a part of, is going to the junior high school to sing. Our choir is singing seventies music, and we are required to wear seventies clothes. Michelle and I are matching from head to toe. Our attire consists of blue felt poodle skirts, white shirts, black scarves, and starch-white Keds shoes.
Monday, May 27, 2019
American Government Exit-polls
As per sack polls in Texas are concerned, there were more or less interesting results that are worth noting regarding the trend of voting. The Democrat beat the Republicans by a substantial margin of close to one million votes with McCain garnering 4, 479, 328 or 55% and Obama 3, 528, 633 or 44%. The voting in terms of age Exit polls in Texas for President showed that of the 47% male voters, Obama got 39% while McCain had 59%, and of the 53% female voters Obama had 47% while McCain got 52%. What was interesting in this exit poll result was the trend in voting by age.Texas exit poll revealed that among ages 18-29 comprising 16% of the chalk up votes, Obama earned 54% votes and McCain 45%. Among ages 30-44 (31% of the total votes), Obama had 46% and McCain 52%. Of ages 45-64 (39% of the total votes), Obama got 41% While McCain earned 58%. eventually at 65 and former(a) (14%) Obama had a lowest 32% votes while McCain got a high 66% of the total votes from this age group. The exit p olls in Texas reveal important things. 1. That most men in general in this state favored and voted for McCain giving him 59% over Obama with only 39%.2. That, women in general in this state only slightly favoring McCain giving him a slight edge over Obama at 52% compared to 47%. 3. Among voters ages 18-29 comprising 16% of the total votes, Obama gets the upper hand with 54% compared to McCains 45 % 4. But among ages 30-44 which comprised 54%, McCain was the stronger candidate. 5. The trend in the voting by age shows that McCain was the top choice among the older voters. Ages 45-64 comprising 39% shows McCain widening his lead over Obama at 58% to 41% 6.Exit poll among ages 65 and older shows Obama further down at 32% compared to McCains 66%. 7. That this voting trend favored McCain considering the age bracket of the voters getting older. 8. That obviously this voting trend in the age bracket point to the instruction of racial prejudice. 9. The younger generation was more open to ac cept societal change through conventional leadership styles. 10. That voting by race reveals that voters in Texas votes based on racial preferences. II. A Letter to the PresidentDear Mr. President In arrest of the exit polls in Texas, apparently younger generations voted for you in view of their being open mindedness on the issues affecting our society. However, the same exit poll reveals that Texas voters in general are partisan voters voting merely based on racial preference. I therefore urge that you give particular attention on this observation by showing considerable fairness among the people of Texas patronage you loss by a margin of almost a million votes for future reference.I hope for your favorable response on the matter by nonrecreational a visit and extend the atmosphere of reconciliation. Sincerely III. Question on the election trends I believed that the trends in the general election have changed dramatically from front trends. The change that took place according t o CREST (The Centre for Research into Elections and Social Trends) has to do with voters attitude that influenced their preferences for the kind of leaders they wanted for their country.In that report, voters chose the leader/s, who could deal with in the flesh(predicate) issues such as healthcare, economy, social security, gas prices, war in Iraq, political corruption lobbyist, terrorism, taxes, immigration, and environment (Hardy). The voting attitude was greatly influenced by the current issues that impact their country. The new trend I believe will pass on history and will be seen in future presidential elections especially if Obama proves himself as the right president who could correct the inaccuracies in the society.This period is very crucial in the history of the United States and while the new trend in ground forces election brings remedy to their crisis, the trend will become the basis in choosing government leaders. Reference Hardy, F. W. (9 Jan 2008). Election Issues Excel in America National Issues ponder in New Hampshire Presidential Primaries. Suite101. com. http//us-elections. suite101. com/article. cfm/election_issues_excel_in_america President Texas. ElectionCenter2008. CNN Politics. com. http//edition. cnn. com/ELECTION/2008/results/individual/TXP00
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Business Project
Mike Wardingley Define the term the discipline organization. In what ways can the principles of the learning organization strategically encroachment an organization? A learning organization is one that -Seeks to create its own future. -Assumes learning is an ongoing and creative process for its members. -Develops, adapts and transforms itself in response to the needs and aspirations of people, both(prenominal) inside and outside itself. Allows people at all levels, individually and collectively, to continually increasing their capacity to produce results they really care about.A company that cares about victimization and their future will be a learning organization. Wide profit margins are great but a great company will not only worry about the bottom line, but the personal and professional development of their employees as well. An atmosphere of learning and improvement will also uphold spurn brand-new and improved processes. Google has become a company that allows the emplo yees to continually improve and fosters creative thinking. The work environment is relaxed and the perks allow the employees to be free thinkers.Companies that ensnare effort and money into the development of their employees will see a much bigger return in the end. Tuition assistance, college loan repayment programs, and during work learning opportunities will keep the employees happy as well as constantly ontogeny into more educated and fur-bearing workers. Using the Internet, research the Small billet Administrations website (www. sba. gov). What different types of financing are available to sharp firms? Besides financing, what other programs are available to support the growth and development of small businesses?The types of financing that are available to new small businesses are * Loans * Grants * Bonds * Venture Capital In addition to the financing options, the Small Business Administration has gravel up a large number of other forms of assistance to make sure a new bus iness has all the tools necessary to succeed. There is an online teaching program that will jock an owner with initiationing, managing, financing, and contracting the new business venture. The Small Business Administration has also developed programs to help other types of new business owners.The Womens Business center of attention was set up to help women start and maintain a successful business. The Veterans Business warmheartedness was created to help US Military veterans start a new fresh start after leaving military service. The US Export Assistance Center was established to help small businesses with the difficult task of beginning new exports to other countries. This difficult process is tough but made much easier with the help of the SBA. The SBA is a free resource that can help you develop a new business plan and then make a move to start your business and set you up for success.Define the term emotional intelligence (EI). What are the key elements of EI? Why is so im portant to successful strategic leadership? randy Intelligence (EI) is the capacity to reason about emotions, and of emotions to enhance thinking. It includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.The four key elements are 1. Self sentience 2. Self Management 3. Social Awareness 4. Relationship Management A good manager knows not only who he/she is, but also who each one of their employees is as well. Not serious that they have a wife and 2 kids, but knows about what makes them who they are. The likes/dislikes, the personality, the past, and the future goals should be vitally important. This is key to making sure the work center is productive and free of hostility.While opinions will differ, too much dissention and strife can kill not only office camaraderie but production as well . upbringing healthy work relationships can also ensure that office cohesiveness stays on track. While the consequences of unhealthy relationships can be very costly, developing good and healthy relationships with employees can pay off in the end. Knowing each employee on a personal basis can help you break-dance know how to interact with each employee and get the most productivity in return.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Devil Slavery and Dr. Faust Essay
Devil Slavery and Dr. Faust In the essay from Dr. Fausts Community, Culture, and Conflict on an Antebellum Plantation, she explores the balance of power between striver have goters and their bondsmen, primarily, on the Hammond Plantation, argent Bluff. She will focus on four areas of research, religion, work patterns, and payments/privileges, escape attempts/rebellion and external influences. She maintains that there was an intricate communal order among the slaves of the silver medal Bluff Plantation. Using uncreated and secondary kickoffs I will either verify or disprove Dr. Fausts thesis. Dr.Faust has use upd the journal writings of mob Hammond as her main primary source for her essay. I will use Dr. Fausts essay for my secondary and writings from former slaves (primary) for my sources. As cross of the plantation, Silver Bluff, James Hammond strived to gain complete control over every aspect of his slaves lives. It was a struggle that spanned decades, and one he never full realized. Through his journal entries we see the daily struggle for control, and the means he used to uphold his authority. They also show how the slaves resisted Hammonds attempts while holding on to their own society.Dr. Faust shows through Hammonds own words how he tried to control the slaves religion by replacing Black adoration with White belief. (pg. 220) He primary tried by taking away altogether Black churches and forcing the slave to attend White churches. He then changed racecourse by hiring traveling preachers for the slaves Sunday worship. In 1845 he built his own church on the plantation. He was admired for the conformity his slaves showed for the color social norms. However, his slaves had wise(p) to show Hammond the behavior he wanted all the while s bank holding authoritative to their own religious beliefs.Even after twenty eld Hammond was still trying to eradicate the Blacks religion. Have ordered all church meetings to be broken up except at the church wit h a white preacher. (pg. 220) To have Silver Bluff run more efficiently, Hammond wanted more control over the work habits of his slaves. For the first year he stepped up the work in regards to inferior or slack work. His slaves non being used to the strong-armed policies resisted. Hammond responded with more beatings. Over sentence the slaves conformed somewhat as the physical punishment slowed. pg 221) A more efficient form of working was the gang method, so Hammond thought. This gang method took away what little independence the slaves had. No longer could they manage their own time. Hammond knew that by stripping the slaves of their right to order their own day he would have more control. Once once more the slaves resisted, by doing inferior work. (pg. 221) Over time a quiet compromise arose, and to some extent work faceed to go back the way it used to be for the slaves. Hammond also instituted a system of rewards to go along with the punishments.He felt that by finish uper ing something the slave wanted/needed he would have that slaves compliance that the slaves would work harder to take for the reward. Here to, the slaves learned how to use this system for themselves. As punishment for a poor work season Hammond shortened the Christmas break but as his journal shows for December 26 persuaded out of my decision by the Negros (pg. 221) Like all plantations of the era, Silver Bluff had its share of escape attempts although no successful escapes were recorded. Through Hammonds writing Dr. Faust has devised a profile for the runaway.Most were young males without strong family ties. The weather played an important part in determining the length of time away. Female slaves totally ran with their husbands or to their husbands. Once the slaves escaped they did not travel far, generally stayed in nearby swamps. The plantation slaves would then help the runaways by giving them supplies. At first Hammond sent men with horses and dogs out to search for the mis sing slaves, but after awhile he chose to just let others catch them , wait for them to end up in jail or wait for them to return on their own volition. Here too Hammond tack together some ground rules.If the slaves returned on their own they only(prenominal) received three lashes for each day gone, where as on the other hand if they were forcibly brought back the punishment was ten lashes for each day off of the plantation. Hammond also realized that the runaways and those slaves left behind still held close bonds. Based on this he also punished those still on the plantation. With holding pabulum rations and beatings hoping that the runaway would hear of it and return on his own. (pg 223) What Hammond was really trying to do was to create a micro-world on his plantation where he was in charge and all else where his minions.His greatest fear was interference from the exterior. To combat that he cut his slaves off from the outside, forbidding them to go to town, or from inter-act ing with neighbors or the steamboat people. (pg. 223) As the war approached, he apprehensive about which side his slaves were on. He felt that they were becoming riled and uneasy. Thefts of goods appeared more common and Hammond thought his slaves demeanor was changing and not for the good. He could feel the passage of control slipping away as the cannons roar rolled over his Silver Bluff. The first primary source I chose was Sarah Fitzpatrick (1938) (Hollitz, Doc. ) partially of her interview dealt with the issue of religion. If they wanted to attend their own church they needed a pass to allow them off the plantation. Many slaves though attended church with their masters. The preacher in the white church would first tend to his white flock then after that service he would preach to the slaves. Telling the slaves that they essential listen and behave their masters and by doing so they would surly get to heaven. They were also taught catechism. The slaves preferred to attend the ir own service for they would get joyful and loud-voiced and that was not allowed during the white mans service.This experience of Sarahs almost parallels what Hammond tried to do on Silver Bluff. I feel that this primary source supports Dr. Faust views on how religion was used as a tool to enforce the white mans way upon the Black there by desquamation away a layer of their culture. The paper of Brer Rabbit Outsmarts Brer Fox (Hollitz, Doc. 10) I feel is an analogy for one of the slaves survival mechanism. In this story Brer Fox stops Brer Rabbit on his way to church. Brer Fox is hungry and wants to eat Brer Rabbit.Thinking fast Brer Rabbit tells Brer Fox that there are hogs at the mans house that would be better for his breakfast and if Brer Fox did not believe him, he would agree to be tied up till Brer Fox checked it out. Brer Fox found no hogs and the man let his dog loose on Brer Fox. The dogs hunted Brer Fox and ate him up. Brer Rabbit was set loose and thanked the dogs. I feel Brer Rabbit represents the slaves, Brer Fox is the master and the dogs can represent many things depending on the storys use. They might represent rationalizedom, the war, or Heaven. Brer Rabbit used cunning and trickery to outsmart Brer Fox.The slaves needed to learn how to put one face on for the master while keeping their true face concealed. They needed to learn cunning and trickery to outsmart their masters at times In my opinon the document also supports Dr. Fausts essay. It shows how the slaves learned to use the reward system that Hammond put in place to their own advantage. Also by slowing work up to get what they wanted. I chose my next primary source, (bloody shame Reynolds, Dallas Texas, ASN) because she was a slave from the deep south. She tells of her life from the time she was born up till the time of her interview. She eemed proud of the fact that she knew her father and the he was a free man who chose to live as a slave for the love of her mother who was a sl ave. She describes her life as a slave as a cutting one. Being sold off because she was to close to the masters own child. When his daughter became ill and was told it was because his daughter was pining away for her Black friend the master relented and bought Mary back to the plantation. She tells of working the fields, not having enough food or proper clothing. She tells of the beatings she received from Solomon the overseer and how he kept a tight rein on the slaves.She explains how the runaways are tracked down and then punished All these experiences mirror plantation life at Silver Bluff and so once again supports Dr. Fausts thesis. What does not seem to support it though is Marys master allowed some of the slaves culture. There were marriage ceremonies and there were funerals and allowed outside contact. The last document I chose was an interview of a former slave whose master was a Creek Indian. (Lucinda Davis Tulsa, Oklahoma,ASN). She tells her life story as if she were par t of her masters extended family not like she was a slave.She was well cared for, well fed and had clothes. Her only chore was to care for a young child. The slaves were allowed to marry and did not have to live on their masters farm. When the war was over and Lucinda parents wanted her back her master freely gave her up and sent her back. Her hardships did not seem any worse than any member of her masters family. This document does not support Dr. Fausts thesis. Maybe it is because the slave group was smaller and mostly men. There was no strife so they did not bond as the slaves on Hammonds plantation did.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Automation Billing System
International School of Informatics & sliceagement Jaipur Project on Supermarket care System By Ankita Aggrawal Neha Chaturvedi Devendra Singh Sisodia (Students of MCA IV- Semester, Group No. 20) Under Mr. Vijay Singh Rathore Assistant Professor IIIM Synopsis of Supermarket Billing System Introduction The project is on Supermarket Billing. Supermarket is the maneuver where customers come to purchase their daily using products and cave in for that. So there is a need to calculate how galore(postnominal) products are sold and to generate the philippic for the customer. In our project we have 3 substance abusers.First is the data entry operator who will enter the products in database. Second one is the executive who will mold the taxes and commissions on the products and can see the tale of any product. Third one is the bill collusive operator who will calculate the bill and print. Objective To bemuse software fast in processing, with good user interface so that user can chan ge it and it should be used for a long snip without error and maintenance. Work Flow Work in the Supermarket will be done in the following way 1. The product will come in the store. 2.Data entry operator will enter the information of the product in database. 3. The Administrator will enter the taxes and commissions for each product. 4. The customer will come and fulfil the basket with him/her and choose the product and took it to the counter. 5. The bill calculating operator will check the products with the bar code detecting machine then it will defend with product-id then it will show its information and scathe and the bill will be calculated and total payment will shown. 6. Customer will pay for the products. 7. All the products will be packed and delivered to the customer.Modules We will use 5 modules in this project. These are as follows Module 1 LoginId This module is made for the login of users. We do it that we have 3 users so login-id is for 1. Administrator 2. Data E ntry Operator 3. Bill Calculating Operator Module 2 Apply taxes and commissions This module is for administrator who will 1. effectuate the taxes for the products. 2. Set the commissions for the products. Module 3 Check the Report This module is withal for the administrator who can generate or check the report of the product and how many products are sold on particular date or in a rate of flow of epoch.Module 4 Enter the information closely products This module is for data entry operator who will 1. Enter which products come in the store. 2. Prices and expiry date of the product. Module-5 Calculate the bill This module is for bill calculating operator who will 1. Calculate the bill. 2. Print it. Scope Our project has a big scope to do. We can 1. Calculate the bill. 2. Give the bill to the customer. 3. Store how many products are sold. 4. Store products and their prices and with other information. 5. Set the rates of taxes and commission on the products. 6. Can see the report o f the product in a fix period of time. 7.Change the Graphical User Interface of the system. We cant 1. Calculate of the salaries of the employees. 2. Calculate the expanses on the product. Database Database is used to store data on the computer and fast recuperation of the data so we use Oracle 8i. We will make database by entering values in different tables like tables for the login-id, products in the store, etc. computer programming Languages We will use following languages for the coding Front stopping point Visual Basic 6 post give the sack Microsoft Access SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION verbal description of the Existing System Many Supermarkets use this type of billing system for a decade.It is also improved many times according to requirements of sellers and customers. It does the same engage that is calculating the bill, gives it to the customer and maintain proper database. They are accurate in calculation and notion, they also generate records. A new concept i s also added in the billing system is that they also maintain relationships with the customers who purchase more products from the store regularly. System also concerns their requirements and gives them more commission. It also shows the overall profit and profit on a particular product and give repots which items are required and which have cross their expiry date.Bottlenecks of the Existing System Every system has pros and cons so vivacious system also have many advantages and disadvantages. So the bottlenecks of the existing system are as follows 1. User Interface User Interface is not so much good that operators feel some problems in working. 2. Graphical User Interface GUI is not good so the operators get bored by watching screen. 3. Processing speed Processing speed of the software is not so much good to operate fast. 4. Flexible Existing system is not so much flexible that can be changed according to the operators and customers. 5.Automatic generation of the Reports Not able to automatically generate the reports and documents. 6. Workload Sometimes the system hangs when work load is more. 7. Error Free Sometimes the system gives error in the calculation in making the bill and in the information of the products due to workload. 8. Man federal agency Existing system uses so many people to operate the system. 9. Resources System does not use the resources properly. Advantages of the Proposed System To reduce the bottlenecks of the existing system there is a need to develop a new system. The new system should concern the requirements of the customer and the sellers.It has the following qualities 1. Reduction in processing cost. 2. Error reduction. 3. Automatic posting. 4. remedy reporting. 5. Automatic production of the documents and Reports. 6. Faster response time. 7. Ability to meet user requirements. 8. Flexibility. 9. Reduced dependency. 10. Improves resource uses. 11. Reduction in use of the paper. 12. Reduction in Man Power. Proposed system has t hese qualities including the qualities of the existing system. Feasibility Study Feasibility Study is a test of the system according to its workability, impact of the organization, ability to meet user take and effective use of the resources.We can test our system by different type of the feasibilities. There are 5 types of the feasibilities which are discussed here. These are as follows 1. expert Feasibility A study of resources availability that whitethorn affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not. This system can be made in any language that support good user interface and easy database handling. Technical needs may include Front- quit pickaxe Front-End means a language that is used for user interface designing and coding.Front-End should have following qualities It must have a pictorial user interface that assist employees that are not from some IT background. Scalab ility and Extensibility Robustness According to the organization requirements and culture. Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support. Platform independent. Easy to deploy and maintain. Event driven programming. Front-End must support some popular Back-End like MS Access, SQL Server and Oracle. According to the above declared features we selected Visual C. Net as Front End for developing our project. Visual C. Net is used in Microsoft Visual Studio. Net 2003.Back-End Selection Back-End means a language that is used for database management. Back-End should have following qualities Multiple user support. Provide inherent feature for security. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance. Stored procedures. Popularity. operational System compatible. Easy to install. Various drivers must be available. Efficient data handling. Easy to implement with Front-End. According to the above stated features we selected Oracle as BackEnd for developing our project. We will u se Oracle 8i specifically because it has more feature features then other later versions and it is easy to make and maintain database.It is also easy to implement Oracle 8i with Visual C. Net in Microsoft Visual Studio. Net 2003. 2. Economical Feasibility In this we contain following be 1. The cost to conduct a full system investigation. 2. The cost of hardware and software for class of application being considered. 3. The benefit in the form of the trim cost. Our system has a lot of features at a minimum cost so it is feasible to implement and it will be very much right to the sellers in the reduced cost. Its software and hardware cost is also low then the existing system. 3. Operational Feasibility In this feasibility we consider following points 1.What changes will be brought with the system. 2. What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course of time? In the new system we made some major changes for the staff members so that they have to be trained to use the newly added facilities. These major changes are possible and give a new era in the Supermarket in production and sales management. 4. Schedule Feasibility succession evaluation is most important consideration in development of the project. So the project is concerned should be completed with fixed in scheduled time as far as company is concerned.New system is not so much big so it is easy to make in few days. 5. behavioral Feasibility People are inherently resisted to change and a computer means change is the only certainty. An estimate should be made of how inviolate a reaction the user staff in going to have towards development of new system. Thus special efforts can be made to break and train the staff. SCREEN SHOTS Project on Supermarket Billing System cryptanalytics buck private submarine sandwich Command1_Click() Unload Me End mill clannish make out Image1_Click() End hoagy secluded fill in Label3_Click() End Sub Change Password Coding fainthearted db As Database blind rs As Recordset dark style As VbMsgBoxStyle wearisome result As VbMsgBoxResult individual(a) Sub Command1_Click() If schoolbook1. text = rs Password Then rs. Edit rs Password = text edition2. text rs. Update Beep result = MsgBox(Password Suuccessfully Changed. , style, Supermarket Billing 1. 0) Unload Me Else result = MsgBox(Incorrect Password. , style, Supermarket Billing 1. 0) school text1. textual matter = textbook2. Text = Text1. SetFocus End If End Sub unavowed Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set db = OpenDatabase(App. highway + password. mdb) Set rs = db. OpenRecordset(Table1) End Sub Employee Pay slipCoding wraithlike a As String Dim rs As Recordset Dim rs1 As Recordset Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim db As Database Dim db1 As Database Private Sub Combo1_Click() Set rs = db. OpenRecordset(Select * from Table1) rs. MoveFirst Text1. Text = Text2. Text = Text3. Text = Text4 . Text = Text5. Text = piece Not rs. EOF If Combo1. Text = rs spot Then Text1. Text = rs designation Text2. Text = rs exculpate End If rs. MoveNext go End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() MDIForm1. Enabled = consecutive Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() rs1. AddNew rs1 Name = Combo1. Text rs1 designation = Text1. Text rs1 salary = Text2.Text rs1 leaves = Text3. Text rs1 ot = Text4. Text rs1 deductions = Text5. Text rs1 netsalary = Text6. Text rs1 Date = Label9. Caption rs1 Time = Label8. Caption rs1. Update Beep Beep rs2. AddNew rs2 Name = Combo1. Text rs2 designation = Text1. Text rs2 salary = Text2. Text rs2 leaves = Text3. Text rs2 ot = Text4. Text rs2 deductions = Text5. Text rs2 netsalary = Text6. Text rs2 Date = Label9. Caption rs2 Time = Label8. Caption rs2. Update CrystalReport1. Action = off End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim ot As Integer Dim net As Integer Dim ded As Integer a = Val(Text3.Text) b = Val(Text4. T ext) ded = a * 10 Text5. Text = ded ot = b * 5 Set rs = db. OpenRecordset(Select * from Table1) rs. MoveFirst mend Not rs. EOF If Combo1. Text = rs Name Then net = Val(rs salary) + ot ded End If rs. MoveNext go Text6. Text = net Command2. Enabled = consecutive End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command2. Enabled = False Command3. Enabled = False Set db = OpenDatabase(App. runway + emp. mdb) Set rs = db. OpenRecordset(Select name from Table1) rs. MoveFirst While Not rs. EOF Combo1. AddItem rs Name rs. MoveNext travel Label9. Caption = Date Set db1 = OpenDatabase(App. Path + payslip. mdb) Set rs1 = db1.OpenRecordset(Table1) Set rs2 = db1. OpenRecordset(Table2) db1. Execute (delete * from Table1) End Sub Private Sub Label9_Click() End Sub Private Sub Text4_Click() Command3. Enabled = truthful End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Label8. Caption = Time End Sub View Employees Detail Coding Private Sub Command1_Click() Text3. SetFocus Text1. Text = Text3. Text = Text2. Text = Text5. Text = Text4. Text = rs. MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() While Not rs. EOF If rs code = Text3. Text Then Text3. Text = rs code Text1. Text = rs Name Text2. Text = rs ddress Text5. Text = rs designation Text4. Text = rs salary End If rs. MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set db = OpenDatabase(App. Path + emp. mdb) Set rs = db. OpenRecordset(Table1) Text1. SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() End Sub Save Employees Details Coding Dim i As Integer Private Sub Combo1_Click() Command1. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() rs code = Text1. Text rs Name = Text3. Text rs address = Text2. Text rs designation = Combo1. Text rs salary = Text4. Text rs. Update Command1. Enabled = False Text1. Text = Text2. Text = Text3. Text = Text4. Text = Combo1.Text = End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() i=i+1 Text1. Text = i rs. AddNew Text1. Enabled = False T ext2. Enabled = True Text3. Enabled = True Text4. Enabled = True Combo1. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Text1. Enabled = False Text2. Enabled = False Text3. Enabled = False Text4. Enabled = False Combo1. Enabled = False Command1. Enabled = False Combo1. AddItem (Manager ) Combo1. AddItem (Cashier ) Combo1. AddItem (Accountant ) Combo1. AddItem (gross revenue ) Combo1. AddItem (Security ) Combo1. AddItem (Sweeper ) Set db = OpenDatabase(App. Path + emp. mdb) Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(Table1) rs. MoveLast Text1. Text = rs code i = rs code End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then Text2. SetFocus End If End Sub Total Stock Coding Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim rs1 As Recordset Private Sub Combo1_Click() Set rs1 = db. OpenRecordset(select * from Table1 ) Text1. Text = rs1. MoveFirst While Not rs1. EOF If Combo1. Text = rs1 itemname Then Text1. Text = Val(rs1 quantity) + Val(Text1. Text) End If rs1. MoveNext Wend End Sub Pr ivate Sub Command1_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set db = OpenDatabase(App. Path + save. mdb) Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(Select distinct itemname from Table1 ) rs. MoveFirst While Not rs. EOF Combo1. AddItem rs itemname rs. MoveNext Wend End Sub Purchase Product Coding Dim style As VbMsgBoxStyle Dim result As VbMsgBoxResult Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim db1 As Database Dim db4 As Database Dim db2 As Database Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim rs1 As Recordset Dim rs3 As Recordset Dim rs4 As Recordset Dim rs6 As Recordset Private Sub Combo1_Click() Set rs3 = db1. OpenRecordset(Table1) rs3. MoveFirst While Not rs3. EOF If Combo1. Text = rs3 dealer Then Combo2. AddItem rs3 product Combo3. AddItem rs3 price Combo4. AddItem rs3Weight End If rs3. MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Combo2_Click() Set rs3 = db1. OpenRecordset(Table1) rs3. MoveFirst While Not rs3. EOF If Combo2. Text = rs3 product Then Combo3. AddItem rs3 price Combo4. AddItem rs3 Weight End If rs3. Move Next Wend End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error Resume Next rs. AddNew rs dealername = Combo1. Text rs itemname = Combo2. Text rs price = Combo3. Text rs quantity = Text3. Text rs amount = Text2. Text rs date1 = Text1. Text rs time1 = Text4. Text rs Weight = Combo4. Text rs. Update result = MsgBox(Saved Successfully. , style, Supermarket Billing 1. 0) Unload Me Load Form7 Form7.Show Form7. Move 0, 0 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me Load Form7 Form7. Show Form7. Move 0, 0 End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() rs. Delete End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command1. Enabled = False Text1. Text = Date Set db1 = OpenDatabase(App. Path + deal1. mdb) Set rs1 = db1. OpenRecordset(Table1) Set rs2 = db1. OpenRecordset(Select distinct dealer from Table1 ) Set rs4 = db1. OpenRecordset(Table1) Set db4 =apppath+ OpenDatabase(cemployeeransaction. mdb) opens record from transaction database Set db2 = OpenDatabase(App.Path + save. mdb) Set rs = db2. OpenRecordset(Table1) saves the purchased data to updated data rs2. MoveFirst While Not rs2. EOF Combo1. AddItem rs2 dealer rs2. MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() Command1. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() Text2. Text = Val(Combo3. Text) * Val(Text3. Text) End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Text4. Text = Time End Sub Add New Product Coding Dim db1 As Database Dim rs1 As Recordset Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim i As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() rs1 code = Text1. Text rs1 dealer = Combo1. Text rs1 product = Text5.Text rs1 price = Text6. Text rs1 Weight = Text2. Text rs1. Update Command1. Enabled = False Command3. Enabled = True Text1. Text = Text5. Text = Text6. Text = Text2. Text = Combo1. Clear End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() i=i+1 Text1. Text = i rs1. AddNew Text1. Enabled = False Combo1. Enabled = True Text 5. Enabled = True Text6. Enabled = True Text2. Enabled = True Command1. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command3. Enabled = True Command1. Enabled = False Text1. Enabled = False saving the current records Set db1 = OpenDatabase(App. Path + deal1. db) Set rs1 = db1. OpenRecordset(Table1) calling the dealer name field from other database Set db = OpenDatabase(App. Path + deal. mdb) Set rs2 = db. OpenRecordset(Select name from Table1) rs2. MoveFirst While Not rs2. EOF Combo1. AddItem rs2 Name rs2. MoveNext Wend rs1. MoveLast Text1. Text = rs1 code i = rs1 code End Sub Add a Dealer Coding Dim db1 As Database Dim rs1 As Recordset Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim i As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() rs1 code = Text1. Text rs1 dealer = Combo1. Text rs1 product = Text5. Text rs1 price = Text6. Text rs1 Weight = Text2. Text rs1. Update Command1. Enabled = False Command3.Enabled = True Text1. Text = Text5. Text = Text6. Text = Text2. Text = Combo1. Clear End Sub Private Sub Co mmand2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() i=i+1 Text1. Text = i rs1. AddNew Text1. Enabled = False Combo1. Enabled = True Text5. Enabled = True Text6. Enabled = True Text2. Enabled = True Command1. Enabled = True End Sub View Sold Stock Coding Dim db As Database Dim db1 As Database Dim db2 As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim rs1 As Recordset Dim rs2 As Recordset Dim rs3 As Recordset Dim rs4 As Recordset Dim style As VbMsgBoxStyle Dim result As VbMsgBoxResult Private Sub Combo1_Click() Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(Select * from Table1 ) Text2. Text = rs1. MoveFirst While Not rs1. EOF If Combo1. Text = rs1 product Then Text2. Text = Val(rs1 quantity) + Val(Text2. Text) End If rs1. MoveNext Wend Set rs2 = db1. OpenRecordset(Table1) Set rs2 = db1. OpenRecordset(Select * from Table1 ) Text1. Text = rs2. MoveFirst While Not rs2. EOF If Combo1. Text = rs2 itemname Then Text1. Text = Val(rs2 quantity) + Val(Text1. Text) End If rs2. MoveNext Wend Text3. Text = Val(Text1. Text) Val(Text2. Text) If Val(Text3. Text)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Discuss issues of reliability and validity associated
Discuss issues of reliableness and validity associated with the classification and diagnosing of phobic disorders. ( 8+16) A phobia Is an irrational fear which Interferes with daily life. For a phobia to be diagnosed It must meet the criterion set by the diagnostic and statistical manual of amiable disorders. Reliability and validity are ii Important factors when considering classification of mental disorders they must be present for an accurate classification to be made. Rellablllty and valldlty are linked because a diagnosis that Is not accepted Is not valid.Rellablllty refers to the consistency, such as questionnaires or scales to assess how fearful a person Is about something. Reliability of questionnaires or scales stop be measured In terms of whether the test items are consistent, which Is called test-retest reliability. Another way of assessing reliability is whether twain independent assessors give similar scores, which is called interrater reliability. Test re-test refe rs to how consistent results are when the specific interrogate/questionnaire is repeated.Brown et al (2001) conducted study which involved interviewing 1400 patients twice, the second interview occurred within 2 weeks of the first one. The interviews were based on criteria for various disorders in DSM -IV. Brown make up that reliability in inter-rater agreement was excellent for specific phobia, social phobia and panic disorder wit agoraphobia. Reliability could have been higher for the various phobias than for other mental disorders because all phobias are associated with clear behavioural symptoms (avoidance of feared stimulus) which makes them booming to diagnose.This suggests hat diagnosis of phobic disorders according to the DSM is reliable however largely because phobic disorders are easy to diagnose . Brown et al also examined factors associated with disagreement between 2 interviewers. He found that inter-rater unreliability was caused by interviewers disagreeing whether the fear was causing sufficient distraint/interference to a persons life to warrant a phobia diagnosis. It was also caused by patients reports of symptoms changing between interviews which could have been genuine.Another cause of difference between the two interviewers as that they made errors, as the same symptoms were presented to interviewers however different diagnosis given however this could be because they missed Important information. Skyre et al (1991) also found high Inter-rater reliability, 3 cllnlclans assessed 54 patients using SCID-I. He found +72 Inter-rater agreement which shows that phobia diagnosis Is reliable. Diagnosis of phobic disorders ld also reliable as Hiller et al (1990) found satisfactory excellent diagnostic agreement In a test- retest study using MDC.Valldlty Is the extent to which a classification system easures what It claims to measure. We can assess the valldlty associated with phobic disorders by looking at content valldlty. Content validity mean s how much the diagnostic system addresses all of the symptoms In a given disorder. Seml structured interviews have high content validity because they were made to the classification system is vaild is to look at criterion validity. This looks into if individual receiving a diagnosis e. g. social phobia are any different to the people who have not been given the diagnosis in predictable way .
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Events Management Report on Fan Expo †Canada Essay
This report has been commissi unitaryd by James Armstrong of Hobby Star Marketing to critically analyse and evaluate the Fan exposition Canada occurrence. A ecumenic overview of the character bequeath be provided as well as the consequence category it falls under and the implications of this. The event will then be analysed in terms of its social impact, the stakeholders involved and economical implications. This report is limited to the event information available on the internet and in the prescribed text for supposition based arguments.This report aims to advise Hobby Star Marketing on the current and future states of their event and as related to tourism theory, what impact this whitethorn defend on social and economic factors, as well as impact on event stakeholders as a whole. In conclusion recommendations will be put forward as to the best approach for event organisers to take in the future to ensure all stakeholders be kept cheery as well as the wider community.2.0 Description of EventFan Expo Canada is held annually at the end of each summer in Toronto Canada and features three days of non-stop festivi splices in the atomic number 18as of moving-picture show games, anime, wisdom fiction, horror and comic books. The exposition has been running for 12 years with its name recently being changed from the Canadian National Expo. Fan Expo is held to begin with in the Toronto Metro Convention Centre and last year boasted over 37 000 admissions.Fan Expo is a unique event targeted to a specific range of markets. Having been dubbed in the past the Nerd Prom, the Fan Expo draws visitors from all around the globe to Toronto Canada, enhancing awareness of the region and its status in gaming, anime, science fiction, horror and comic book realms. Due to these factors it is suitable to classify this expo as a Hallmark event. This type of event is typically defined as a study one time or recurring event of limited duration divulgeed in general to enha nce awareness or assembling and profitability of a tourism destination in the short or long term. In order to obtain success such events rely primarily on their uniqueness, status or timely signifi bumce to create some(prenominal) interest and to attract attention (Ritchie, 1984, p.2 Getz 1997 pp.5-6 in Allen et al. 2005). Fan Expo is highly world-shaking to its target markets and provides the host venue, community and destination as a whole with a competitiveadvantage over other conventions of a simular nature in North America (third largest event of its kind in this region) (Hobbystar 2006).3.0 accessible Impact3.1 Social BenefitsAll events have a direct social and cultural impact on their participants and sometimes on the broader host communities (Hall, 1989 Getz, 1997 in Allen et al. 2005). In terms of the Fan Expo, the social impacts are expansive and many benefits come to fruition as a result of the event taking place. whizz in particular is the validation of community gr oups associated with the event. A positive impact can be seen here through the acknowledgment of topical anaesthetic comic book artists, with the talents of the normally ostracised minority being recognised and applauded at an international level. As the community is one of the major event stakeholders, non solitary(prenominal) are these groups validated but further encouragement of community participation to a fault results due to the overwhelming achievements of specific community members.Social constancy and community pride are again other factors that result in benefits to the community of Toronto. Fan Expo brings tourists from all over the world to one epicentre of likeminded people. Through this experience the local community may volunteer and band together to present their city in the greatest state potential to expo visitors. The impact this effect has on the tourists is in addition significant as it encourages migration attractiveness as well as an ontogenesisd posit ive image tourists have about the city of Toronto. This has a two fold effect as the community also notes the economic gain of for example encouraging a major video game expert to relocate to Toronto (stronger and more competitive local economy). In retrospect the community is more socially aware of itself and its visitors and is more in all probability to retain and develop higher visitor rates due to its strengthened welcoming culture.The convergence of these likeminded fabrication experts also facilitates an arena for the development of new ideas and partnerships both within the industry and amongst expo visitors. Tourists that bring already existing ideas to the expo then can have that idea realised through the resources of local and visiting industry experts (i.e. a gaming designer that wants tosell his or her idea to a major video game corporation). The potential for economic produce due to this convergence is quite extraordinary.3.2 Social CostsOf the research conducted a bout what social cost Fan Expo has had to the local community, one common constitution that was realised was the apparent facilitation of strongarm tactics. In an overview of what was discovered, local comic book retailers were being forced by expo organisers either feature solely in their expo (not other competing expos) or not feature at all. The local community backlash from this decision was quite significant with many key industry leading in the community moving to boycott the Fan Expo event.The ramifications of this monopolistic type approach on the community can ca riding habit not only resentment towards event participants and tourists, but also commodification of the event because of the lack of attendance of original industry leaders and pioneers (eg. instead of the creator of the comic book The trace attending in person, Fan Expo constructs a video montage of the comic book creator and his work instead). This can cause dissonance between fans and organisers as what was once expected and a major highlight of the event is now replaced with a display that for most fans, the information presented is not uncommonly put on say the internet.On a whole, community resentment for the event taking place in their city can occur but also tourist resentment for the visiting the destination in the future is also a possibility. Social consequence such as criminal activity may occur as a result, specifically if some visitors have travelled a significant distance to attend the event.4.0 StakeholdersIn regards to the stakeholders for Fan Expo Canada, a number of categories can be used to separate the role and objectives of each. In terms of the host organisation, the Toronto City Council is a major figurehead as the nourishment from local government for funding and other regulatory and staffing concerns is vital to the success of this event. Hobby Star Marketing as a corporation is also other obvious stakeholder as they are the primary event organisers and have substantial amounts ofresources injected into fate of this event. The Toronto Metro Convention Centre is also another key stakeholder as the event is being held at their premise. Their objectives for the event will be to ensure their function areas function as they should throughout the expo as well as working closely with Hobby Star to ensure all logistical requirements are executed without delay or error.Toronto as a community is also a primary stakeholder as its involvement and expectations for the event are additionally significant. For Hobby Star, their understanding of the local community is a key factor for the event to be a success. Specifically in this case, the understanding of local community comic book or gaming groups and societies will enable event organisers to develop the event to cater for the needs of these groups. Furthermore representatives from these groups could provide recommendations and assistance for future event ideas. In doing so the community expectation s can be more accurately met and overall dissonance of the event significantly reduced (Allen et al. 2005).In terms of the media, local television, radio and print associations are also termed stakeholders as they have been invested in and have also dedicated resources to either cover the event progress or advertise the event in the weeks leading up. Due to the events widespread appeal, weathervane media would also be considered an important stakeholder as accurate information needs to be communicated to tourists planning on attending. Web media is also important to monitor because as noted earlier, backlash or community opinions are not contained within the community when the web is involved, and negative impacts can occur quickly through use of the internet.Other stakeholders include event staff, volunteers and centre management and staff. Their role is to ensure the event plan is executed effectively and their presence as a needful resource moldiness also be nurtured through no t only being catered for and looked after during the event, but also recognition for their contributions once the event has ended. One way this is performed is by volunteers being given free access to any event over the three days before and after their allotted trade time (Happy Star 2006). For any eventto be truly effective, the vision and philosophy of the event must be shared by all of the squad (Allen et al. 2005).The participants of the event which include guest speakers, retailers, performers, industry professionals and the general public are also significant stakeholders. To make the event memorable and meaningful, the event manager must ensure all of these figureheads are satisfied in terms of what they want to get out of the event, which includes their physical needs of comfort, safety and security. At Fan Expo in 2006, it is the 40th anniversary of the birth of Star Trek and the key guest speakers are two famous stars from the original television series. Their involveme nt and comfort of how the event is run and managed will be reflected on how well they address the audience and subsequently the level of enjoyment the spectators receive.5.0 Economic AnalysisThe economic stall in regards to events is the make or break factor events must generate tax revenue to be successful. Therefore one of the most important impacts is the tourism revenue generated by an event (Allen et al. 2005). External visitors not only spend money on the event itself such as tickets and merchandise but also on items such as travel, accommodation and other goods and services available in the host city. This economic influx is sometimes depended on in many small communities however in the case of Toronto, effective tourism can result in visitors that are in town for the event to extend their stay and therefore increase spending (Allen et al. 2005).As described in Section 3.1, many business opportunities are possible through the interaction of local and visiting industry me mbers. Furthermore their interaction with the local community and its economy may also give way for tourists to increase stay or indeed make a bid to stay permanently. For the expo, this could mean opportunities for more qualified industry leaders to be a part of the planning process for the following years expo. The overall benefits for Fan Expo could include for example the cast voices for the latest Star Trek game to be sourced and recorded in Toronto due to Microsoft Games prospect up headquarters after negotiations. In hindsight whilst themajority of the Fan Expo is based around a market and display type setup, there are also many exclusive forums and networking conferences that occur over the weekend to further facilitate the mental home of business opportunities (Hobby Star 2006).Higher rates of employment can also result from this event employment requirements for Fan Expo itself but also local industry members showcasing their talents then being offered work at a major f irm. This can also have a negative effect as the local talent is snapped up and shipped out to other cities or countries, possibly damaging the part of the local economy they were once involved in. On the other hand if nurtured the community member could leave to gain more intimacy then return to the city, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and experience that could significantly increase the economy of the city and region.On the agenda of negative economic impacts, opportunity cost can clearly be linked to the issues described in Section 3.2 in regards to strongarm tactics allegedly being used by Hobby Star Marketing. With retailers being forced to choose between festivals, the chance for economic gain is lost. Spectators that cannot attend the Fan Expo are left with no alternatives to view and purchase expo items and retailers in general loose out because of reduced exposure. This consequently forces retailers to verify which festival would be more financially respectabl e to them, hence reducing exposure and possible loss of business opportunities. As stated in Section 3.2 this can generate a negative character for Happy Star and the Fan Expo in general and have many negative social and economic impacts.6.0 ConclusionsThis report has provided an overview of the Fan Expo Canada event and classified into the Hallmark event category. The event was then analysed in terms of its social impact, the stakeholders involved and economic implications. This report has found that Fan Expo appeals to a unique market and draws visitors to the town of Toronto. It has outlined relevant stakeholders and their goals and found that increased integration of local community groups with the planning process of the expo could be serious to future success and reduced dissonance.This report described the importance of economic planning and how decisions that are made in the best interests of the event may not be in the best interests of the wider community.This report aim s to advise Hobby Star Marketing on the current and future states of their event and as related to tourism theory, what impact this may have on social and economic factors, as well as impact on event stakeholders as a whole. In conclusion recommendations will be put forward as to the best approach for event organisers to take in the future to ensure all stakeholders are kept satisfied as well as the wider community.7.0 RecommendationsIn hindsight to this report, the following recommendations are madeIncrease communication with community industry leaders to ascertain the best approach in organising the event so maximum exposure can be generated.Further develop networking events at the expo and facilitate the creation of business opportunities and discovery of new talent in the local community.Promote to industry leaders the benefits of setting up operations in the community and tie this in with a major showcasing of their products at the following years expo.Work closer with Toronto City Council to further promote local and regional tourism to increase longer stays and increased economic activity.Reduce dissonance by operating competitively and ethically with other expos.List of ReferencesAllen, J OToole, W Harris, R McDonnell, I 2005, Festival and Special Event precaution, John Wiley & Sons, Milton.Hobby Star 2006, Fan Expo Canada, viewed 20 August 2006, Getz, D 1997, Event Management and Event Tourism, Cognizant Communication Corporation, New York.Wikimedia Foundation 2006, Fan Expo Canada, viewed 6 August 2006,
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Economy Exam Questions Essay
1. The Prisoners Dilemma involves two spies who be held in separate soundproof rooms. But even if the two spies could communicate, what makes it difficult for them to achieve the cooperative solution (both non confessing)?2. A key to analyzing subgame perfect equilibrium strategy in sequential games is3. In making promises that atomic number 18 not guaranteed by trio parties and in imposing penalties that are not enforced by third parties, all of the side by side(p) are credibility-enhancing mechanisms keep out4. The starting point of many methods for predicting equilibrium strategy in sequential games is5. Credible promises and hostage mechanisms can support a continuous stream of cooperative exchanges except when6. Firms that have a cover charge for their customers and charge for each item they purchase as sanitary are exhibiting7. Third- dot set discrimination exists whenever8. To maximize profits, a monopolist that engages in harm discrimination must allocate output in such a way as to make identical the ____ in all markets.9. Vacation tours to Europe invariably package visits to disparate regions cities, mountains, and the seaside. Bundling, a type of second degree price discrimination, is most profitable when10. ____ is a new product pricing strategy which results in a high initial product price. This price is reduced over time as demand at the higher price is satisfied11. Contracts are distinguished from tactical alliances by which of the following characteristics12. When someone contracts to do a task save fails to put full driving force into the performance of an agreement, yet the lack of effort is not independently verifiable, this lack of effort constitutes a13. When borrowers who do not in tilt to repay are able to hide their bad credit histories, a lenders well-intentioned borrowers should14. To accomplish its conclusion a linear profit-sharing contract must15. When retail bicycle dealers advertise and perform warranty repairs but do not deliver the personal selling message that Schwinn has designed as part of the trade plan but cannot observe at less than prohibitive cost, the manufacturer has encountered a problem of ____.16. The put down the barriers to entry and exit, the more nearly a market structure fits the ____ market model.17. ____ yields the same results as the opening of perfect competition, but requires substantially fewer assumptions than the perfectly rivalrous model18. ____ occurs whenever a third fellowship receives or bears be arising from an economic transaction in which the individual (or group) is not a direct participant.19. The fair laws regu of late all of the following business decisions except ____.20. The sentiment for increased deregulation in the late 1970s and early1980s has been felt most significantly in the price regulation of21. The ____ depicts the risk-return family in the market for all securities22. If the acceptance of Project A makes it impossible to accept Projec t B, these projects are23. Capital expenditures24. The decision by the Municipal Transit Authority to either refurbish existing buses, sully new large buses, or to supplement the existing fleet with mini-buses is an example of25. Which of the following items is (are) not considered as part of the net investment calculation?1. In the linear breakeven model, the difference between selling price per unit and variable cost per unit is referred to as2. Evidence from empirical studies of long-run cost-output relationships lends support to the3. Theoretically, in a long-run cost function4. In a study of banking by asset sizing over time, we can find which asset sizes are drawing to become more prominent. The size that is beseeming more predominant is presumed to be least cost. This is called5. A ____ total cost function implies that marginal costs ____ as output is increased.6. In the linear breakeven model, the breakeven sales volume (in dollars) can be found by multiplying the breakev en sales volume (in units) by7. Long remoteness telephone service has become a competitive market. The average cost per call is $0.05 a minute, and its declining. The likely reason for the declining price for long distance service is8. All of the following are mechanisms which reduce the adverse selection problem except ____.9. In the long-run, firms in a monopolistically competitive industry will10. An experience good is one that11. The price for employ cars is well below the price of new cars of the same general quality. This is an example of12. In the short-run for a purely competitive market, a manufacturer will stop production when13. Experience goods are products or services14. Declining cost industries15. In natural monopoly, AC continuously declines due to economies in distribution or in production, which tends to found in industries which face increasing returns to scale. If price were set equal to marginal cost, consequently16. When the cross elasticity of demand betwee n one product and all other products is low, one is largely referring to a(n) ____ situation.17. Regulatory agencies engage in all of the following activities except _______.18. ____ as practiced by macrocosm utilities is designed to encourage greater usage and therefore spread the fixed costs of the utilitys plant over a larger number of units of output.19. The practice by telephone companies of charging lower long-distance rates at night than during the day is an example of20. Some industries that have rigid prices. In those industries, we tend to21. The existence of a kinked demand curve under oligopoly conditions may result in22. Barometric price leadership exists when23. A cartel is a situation where firms in the industry24. Even ideal cartels tend to be unstable because25. Some market conditions make cartels MORE likely to succeed in collusion. Which of the following will make collusion more successful?
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