Thursday, August 27, 2020
Sports and animals Essay Example for Free
Sports and creatures Essay This would clarify the enormous amount of members recollecting Uganda and chimpanzee, for instance, as they are rarely utilized and may have stood apart from the more nonexclusive words in the table. This may likewise represent why words like China, dairy animals and swimming were often overlooked: they are neither normal nor unprecedented in their use in regular day to day existence, nor are they cliché of their particular classifications. What is implied by this is if the inquiry was posed to name a game, it is improbable that the appropriate response swimming would be given, while football would be a more probable answer, in spite of swimming being a generally basic word to experience. This expands on the possibility of classes going about as acknowledgment signals for resulting words. Likewise fascinating was the conveyance of reviews by classification: hues were reviewed the most as often as possible (85/120), contrasted and sports and creatures (both 77/120) and, least much of the time, nations (64/120). There could be a few clarifications for this, yet it seems to comprise fundamentally of two factors: the recurrence of utilization, and the size of the classifications spaces. For instance, hues are regularly utilized words and there are generally scarcely any words that fall under that classification; sports and creatures are additionally classifications from which frequently utilized words are drawn, however there are a lot a larger number of words that fit into them than there are for hues; and nations are less every now and again utilized words. Along these lines, a reduction in like manner utilization and an expansion in size may prompt proactive impedance, creating more turmoil and, sometimes, off base words to be reviewed. This is illustrated, for instanc e, in that the word America was reviewed multiple times in spite of it not being on any of the rundowns (see Appendix 1). In the outcomes from Condition B, there is likewise proof that supremacy and recency may have happened. Individually, green and pooch are the first and final words on the matrix, and they were reviewed by 10 and 9, separately, of the 10 members in that condition. No such impact was found, in any case, in Condition A, proposing that the request in which words are sequenced has little impact if there is an increasingly noteworthy strategy for association present (for this situation, classifications). These examples show that association is the key factor in recollecting data, yet at any one time there might be a few techniques for association happening at the same time, for example, the words semantic classifications, the request that the words are recorded, and the recurrence of the words utilization, among others. This study did, be that as it may, have constraints; the most noticeable of which is the likely absence of populace legitimacy because of the generally little example size utilized and the profoundly confined age bunch from which members were drawn. This could be defeated in future examination by enlarging the objective populace and utilizing a bigger example so as to distinguish drifts in more detail. As far as environmental legitimacy, the investigation utilizes fake boosts to test memory, and normally happening upgrades could be utilized rather so as to watch the impacts of association on learning in a characteristic setting and along these lines improve the biol ogical legitimacy. There are ramifications of this investigation for some parts of life which include learning, however especially training. It has demonstrated that data is better realized when composed, either upon introduction or as a psychological procedure. The ramifications of this is understudies and understudies may learn data all the more productively through encouraging techniques including arranging data into structures and giving assignments to do as such if the data isn't as of now sorted out. The previous would give unequivocal association, and the last would permit singular understudies and understudies to locate their own particular manners to learn more prominent measures of data. Future exploration may intend to research further into the impacts of categorisation. This should be possible by utilizing a bigger rundown of words or by drawing words from increasingly unmistakable classifications, and watching assuming, how and how much members sort these words; and relating this to the measure of data they recall. A more extensive objective populace would likewise be helpful. It is frequently refered to that kids learn data more effectively than more established grown-ups, and giving members from the two age bunches a similar undertaking and looking at the outcomes would give knowledge into how the way toward learning is distinctive between them, if in fact it is extraordinary. To finish up, this investigation has discovered no huge impact of association of data upon the learning of this data, yet association can't be precluded as a critical factor. The reality of the situation may prove that association after encoding, instead of introduction, is the factor that decides the capacity of the data. This association might be as categorisation, yet singular contrasts exist with respect to how this data is sorted out. Different components might be the means by which normally the data is knowledgeable about the given setting, and what number of acknowledgment prompts are accessible for the data to be reviewed. References BOUSFIELD, W.A. (1953). The event of grouping in the review of arbitrarily masterminded partners. Diary of General Psychology, 49, pp. 229-240. BOWER, G.H., CLARK, M.C., LESGOLD, A.M. WINZENZ, D. (1969). Progressive recovery conspires in review of ordered word records. Diary of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, pp. 323-343.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Atmospheric Circulation And More :: essays research papers
The worldwide vitality balance and air movement predominantly decide the flow of the world's environment. There is a chain of command of movement in air dissemination. Each control can be separated into littler controlling variables. The worldwide vitality balance is an equivalent equalization of short-wave radiation coming into the air and long-wave radiation leaving the climate. This is called warm harmony. The earth is at warm harmony; in any case, there can have an overflow or shortfall of vitality in parts of the warmth financial plan. On the off chance that you have a net radiation surplus warm air will rise, and a net radiation deficiency will make the air cool a fall. Air gets warmed at the equator in view of the entomb tropical assembly zone and ascends to the shafts. There the air is chilled and it drifts ease off to the equator where the procedure is rehashed. Another major contributing component to the flow of the air is because of the subtropical highs. These highs like the ITCZ move during the various seasons. The glorified belt model is an incredible portrayal of the general flow of the climate. The central belt of variable breezes and quiets ranges from 5 degrees north to 5 degrees south. This breeze belt is described by feeble breezes and low weight from the bury tropical combination zone. As you go further north or south you experience the Hadley Cells. Hadley cell dissemination is brought about by the development of high pressure from the scopes at 5 to 30 degrees north and 5 to 30 degrees south to low weight zones around the equator. The development of air from high strain to low weight causes combination. This combination creates the creation of wind. The winds that are created from this are the exchange winds. The breezes blow from a northwest bearing in the northern side of the equator, and in the southern half of the globe the breezes blow from a southeast course. The exchange winds are the biggest breeze belt. The westerlies, they lie somewhere in the range of 35 and 60 degrees north and south scope. The breeze blows from the west , along these lines their name. The westerlies are in the Ferrell cell. Cold air from the polar districts tumbles down and afterward is warmed up and pushed upward with the westerlies. >From 65 to 90 degrees north and south untruth the polar easterlies. It exists due to the weight slope that is made by the temperatures.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Guide to Paper Writting
A Guide to Paper WrittingWhen most people think of paper writing, they think of longhand and they tend to consider it something of a boring, slow-paced profession. Actually, that's probably only a small part of the truth.Longhand paper writing is by no means a boring profession - in fact, it can be one of the most rewarding. It's often described as 'to write fast'lightweight' - I could take either one to mean the opposite of the statement, but perhaps it's simply a matter of viewpoint.Paper writing is what you make of it. Whether you're writing a quick note for an important client or a lengthy dissertation that was rejected by the academic world, the key is to come up with ideas and take them apart until you've found the exact one that you like the best.The difference between this kind of writing and longhand is that you have to be more creative when it comes to finding new ideas. With longhand, you just copy down a few ideas and maybe even change a few things here and there, while y ou're writing the rest of the sentence. With paper writing, you're constantly coming up with new ideas to take that original note and turn it into something better.As a writer, you're going to spend a lot of time in front of a computer, so you have to have some techniques to help you get over that hump and actually get to know your potential clients and actually show them your work. People tend to be less intimidated by a writer who comes across as 'well-spoken' and more easily believe the person who comes across as 'shares the same vision as me.'Paper writing can also be a way to keep yourself from having to rush yourself too often. When you get stuck on a particular topic, it's very easy to just jot it down and look at it later, instead of actually thinking about it and perhaps even making notes. If you're writing and re-writing notes as you go, you'll find that you're much more productive and more confident as a writer.Paper writing is not a one-way street. If you're going to wri te about something, whether it's a poem, a story, a chapter in a book, or an essay, you need to be comfortable with that topic.A lot of people have a hard time with the whole idea of writing because they just seem to want to write for a long time, then get back to what they were doing. This will definitely be a benefit of paper writing, as you don't want to just toss out the ideas as soon as you've started them, but instead spend some time looking for them.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Are The Best Men Liars Essay - 1474 Words
Are the Best Men Liars? When the Roman Civilization usurped that of the Greeks, a cultural shift took place. The Romans, unlike many other conquerors in history, maintained that the good parts of a defeated culture should be maintained, while those parts not suitable to their worldview would be erased and disregarded. When the Romans took over the Greeks, they continued the Epic tradition, used similar gods, and kept familiar customs. However, within the continuity between the cultures on these points, lie some important differences. Gods retained basic characteristics, but also gained new ones. Epics featured a new kind of hero: a leader. The Greek epic, The Odyssey and the Roman epic, The Aeneid highlight by the contrast between their protagonists a cultural shift from the concept of heroes as individuals to that of the hero as a leader. The characters Aeneas and Odysseus show that a difference in the treatment of truth and falsehood between Greek and Roman cultures is one of the f actors that distinguishes an individualistic Greek hero from a Roman leader-hero. From the beginning of The Odyssey, Homer describes Odysseus with the defining characteristic of cunning. In Robert Fagles’ translation, Odysseus appears as â€Å"the man of twists and turns / driven time and time again off course, once he had plundered / the hallowed heights of Troy†(Odyssey I:1-3). The epithet, â€Å"man of twists and turns,†refers to Odysseus’ ability to get himself out of the many difficult situationsShow MoreRelatedMachiavelli and Obama: The Benefits of NOT Keeping a Promise Essay784 Words  | 4 PagesMachiavelli states that the nature of man is wicked. One of many quotes Machiavelli uses to describe men is â€Å"Men are so simple, and so subject to present necessities.†He further goes on to say that men are wicked and stupid, nothing but common people whom only care about results and appearances. He tells the reader that people are always willing and ready to be fooled. According to Machiavelli it is because men are so simple, they can easily believe a man who looks honest. A prince should know how to useRead MoreMorant and Handcock as Murderers or Scapegoats of the Empire Essay1046 Words  | 5 PagesAustralia’s only soldiers ever to have been shot by a firing squad following a court martial, Lieutenants Harry ‘The Breaker’ Morant and Peter Joseph Handcock were justly dealt with. The myth regarding the harsh, unjust treatment of both men and the association between the Morant legend and Australian nationalism is seemingly naà ¯ve and doubtful. However conflict of Morant’s personality remains prominent amongst historians. The revival of the Morant legend is owed to the BruceRead MoreExamine the different ways Fitzgerald represents men’s treatment of women in The Great Gatsby using The Catcher In The Rye to illuminate your response1432 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Plan for English essay- 1500 words (375 words per paragraph) -underline every time title is used. POINT 1: Women are treated like objects TS: Fitzgerald uses many different techniques throughout the novel to show that women are a product of their men and are objectified by society. 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He portrays Blanche DuboisRead MoreIn Shakespeare story King Lear, two of the women were portrayed as emasculating and disloyal wh ile1000 Words  | 4 Pageseven though they had lied to their father telling him feelings that they didn’t really have. Then there was his youngest daughter she was as honest and truthful as any other child could be. King Lear’s two oldest daughters, Goneril and Regan were liars and were not trustworthy women. They both would do and say anything just to get an edge. Like for example in Act I of the story King Lear, had owned a huge piece of land that he had decided to divide it between all three of his daughters and all theyRead MoreAnalysis Of Karen Abbott s Liar, Temptress, Soldier 934 Words  | 4 PagesTayler Meneguin Mr. Dittmar American History 2nd Quarter Book Report December 18, 2014 Liar, Temptress, Soldier by Karen Abbott was a great book explaining the role of four women had during the civil war. In books, we readers do not alway read about the women and their phenomenal actions and duties during the war. In many peoples minds they just think, the women do not play a role, but in all reality the North would have never won if the women would not have stepped up and took over the farm, industriesRead MoreAnalysis Of Sexual Orientation In Giovannis Room1165 Words  | 5 Pagesthat he is a pathological liar, which most people don’t see; this is important because we can see how David’s coming to term with his sexual orientation is curbed due to its intersecting with his tendency to lie. In the article â€Å"Defining, understanding and diagnosing pathological lying (pseudologia fantastica): an empirical and theoretical investigation into what constitutes pathological lying†by Kate Elizabeth Treanor, she states, â€Å"Through their lies the pathological liar carves out a pseudo-selfRead MoreEssay about A Comparison of Beowulf and Sir Gawain794 Words  | 4 PagesA hero is someone who is idealized for his courage and noble qualities. Beowulf and Sir Gawain can certainly be called heroes. They both have many qualities that are expected of heroic knights and warriors. They are both brave, gallant, and skilled men, but are they the perfect heroes their people believe them to be? While they are portrayed as perfect heroes and they possess many heroic qualities, Beowulf and Sir Gawain are far from perfect. Beowulf and Gawain are shown as great leaders. Sir GawainRead MoreA Short Story1139 Words  | 5 Pagescoated in what appeared to be fallen leaves and old twigs.  Identifying the absurd man, Vera gasped.â€Å"Mr. Nuttel? What is he doing here?†He was approaching the door of the Sappleton country house. Vera double checked that her aunt and the other three men living with her were in their rooms, and sprinted out of the house, halting once she reached the porch. Mr. Nuttel, who was standing only yards away, looked as if he had not washed himself in years, even though it had only been six hours. â€Å"Mr. NuttelRead MoreTheme Of Manipulation In Brave New World1329 Words  | 6 PagesPsychological manipulation is a type of social behavior that pursues to alter the actions of an individual through violent or devious undertakings. Manipulative behavior is not something that is easily identifiable because these individuals are usually good liars, are deviating, and only t arget vulnerable people. During every crisis such as World War I, the Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11, one can only think of why someone would participate in such cruel acts to hurt others. By examining specific historical
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Physician Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia - 1707 Words
Physician-assisted suicide or PAS are deaths caused by a lethal dose of drug, such as barbiturate, that is prescribed by a physician. The physician does not administer the drug; instead, the patient is responsible for getting the prescribed drug in the pharmacy and taking the medication to end his or her life. This alternative option applies to patients who can make informed decision, suffer from an incurable illness, and experience intolerable symptoms (Canadian Virtual Hospice, 2015)).[Extra bracket] Through the years, many activists, particularly those with terminal illness, fought to legalize physician-assisted suicide in Canada. Among these people include: Sue Rodriguez, Gloria Taylor, and Gillian Bennett (CBC News, 2015). [I don’t think this helps your paper to list peoples names, not necessary] Sue Rodriguez, diagnosed with Amyotorphic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease, brought the right to die campaign center stage in 1992. Now, twenty-one years after he r death, the Supreme Court of Canada made physician-assisted suicide legal by February 6, 2016 (Dying With Dignity Canada, n.d.). Despite the move toward legalization, however, the debate on this issue rages on among many Canadians. Some people are in favor of the change to protect the patient’s constitutional rights and autonomy, save healthcare dollars, and take away the guilt of a dying patient becoming a burden to their family, friends and healthcare professionals. Although these are reasonable arguments,Show MoreRelatedEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide865 Words  | 4 Pagessubject for people; add in the idea of assisted suicides and there’s an uproar in society. Euthanasia or physician assisted suicide is a very controversial topic in our society today. Physician assisted suicide by definition is â€Å"suicide by a patient facilitated by means (as a drug prescription) or information (as an indication of a lethal dosage) provided by a physician aware of the patient’s intent (Merriam-Webster). There are two modes of looking at assisted suicides; either it’s seen as an absurd immoralRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide918 Words  | 4 Pagesallows terminally ill patients to end their lives with the assistance of a physician. According to the legislature, patients who seek assisted-death must only have six months to live and are required to submit a written request as well as two oral requests at least 15 days apart. (Reilly). While Gov. Jerry Brown still has yet to approve this new law, the act has shed light on the topic of euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide. With the pending status of the law, the question remains on whether or notRead MoreEuthanasia Or Physician Assisted Suicide961 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia or physician assisted suicide, is the painless killing of a patient, suffering from a painful or incurable disease, like cancer, or alzheimer s, the practice is illegal in most countr ies, including the United States, although in the United States, it is a state decision, the only state in the United States that it is legal in is Oregon. Oregon passed the Death with Dignity Act in 1994, making euthanasia legal for chronically ill patients, the only caveat is that the doctor is allowedRead MoreEuthanasia, And Physician Assisted Suicide863 Words  | 4 Pagesare: euthanasia, and physician assisted suicide. Internationally, assisted suicide is a doctor prescribing drugs that end life. The patient is responsible for taking them. Euthanasia is the medication administered by doctors. Today, four countries have laws that allow euthanasia. (Ellis and Bronwyn) A few have laws for physician assisted suicide, and several countries have no laws against suicide. (Humphry) The United States of America have recently added a 5th state to offer assisted suicideRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia Essay1039 Words  | 5 PagesPhysician Assisted Suicide Is physician assisted suicide ethical? Physician assisted suicide is an up and coming ethical question that examines a person’s right to their own death. Many people support physician assisted suicide, citing that it can save a lot of pain and suffering. Others claim that the concept of physician assisted suicide is a slippery slope. A slippery slope in the sense that if society accepts euthanasia as a rightful death for the terminally ill, they will potentially acceptRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1629 Words  | 7 Pagesproblems, assisted suicide creates options to reduce the amount of suffering the patient must enduring. Dying with dignity could be beneficial for not only the person who is dying, but also the person’s family and loved ones. This option, however, is often viewed as unethical and immoral throughout society. Physician-assisted suicide offers an option for those with health issues but poses various ethical and social issues. Assisted death is practiced in two different ways: euthanasia and physician-assistedRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia Essay1806 Words  | 8 PagesPuett WRIT 1401 12/06/16 Physician Assisted Suicide Beginning in the 1970s, terminally ill patients were given the right to refuse life-sustaining treatment to end their own life, a process commonly referred to as euthanasia. They would be taken off life support, and death would be allowed to take its natural course. This idea was controversial at first, but now a bigger issue has taken its place. Many patients claim that they reserve the right to physician assisted suicideâ€â€killing oneself with meansRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide997 Words  | 4 PagesEuthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide: The Right to Die with Dignity (The Legalization, At Risk Groups, and Rebuttal) The possible legalization of voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide brings concerns in regards to how well it will be accepted. There are contradictions that exists between government and church when it comes to the morals and values placed on human life. Although, society has concerns in regards to at risk community groups and the type of treatment availableRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1504 Words  | 7 Pageslegalizing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, we would provide â€Å"vulnerable†patients with better overall protection and health care, give patients (who are excruciatingly suffering and have no chance of recovery) the option to end their lives before they ever needed to go through such an ordeal and giving them peace of mind, and spare the families of the patients the emotional pain of watching their loved one slowly and painfully passing away. For these reasons, I believe that euthanasia and Physician-AssistedRead More Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1249 Words  | 5 Pagesview euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide not as murder or suicide, but rather a release from the pain that holds down and a quicker, less painful way to get to the end that will happen anyways. Euthanasia is becoming much more of a hot topic in the news, both here at home in the US, as well as on the global stage with the new Prime Minister of Canada pushing for a law that would allow nationwide physician assisted death. As of now only a few states have legalized physician-assisted suicide
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Schlumberger Financial Analysis - 1582 Words
Schlumberger Analysis Amy Jones Analyzing Financial Statements Schlumberger Limited (SLB) Overview My analysis of Schlumberger Limited indicates presumes that the company will continue as a going concern in accordance with the Beaver Univariate Model. I have examined the cash flow/total debt, return on assets and the debt ratio and have concluded that Schlumberger (SLB) is financially stable. The following are major characteristics of a company that is financially stable: 1. Cash flow/total debt ratio of 0.26 which has remained stable over the last two years, although there was a decrease from 2009 to 2010. Receivables increased year over year, it is to be expected a year after the acquisition of Smith International†¦show more content†¦This indicates a slight concern as SLB has leveraged a substantial amount of their assets. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations in the 2011 Schlumberger 10-K indicate that after a strong recovery of 2010, when worldwide oil demand grew 2.7 million barrels per day corresponding to the largest year-on-year increase in 30 years, in 2011 oil demand grew only by a modest 0.7 million barrels per day (Schlumberger, 2012). This is consistent with the modest increase in revenue year over year 2010 and 2011. In line with lower GDP growth, oil demand outlook has also been revised downwards during the fourth quarter of 2011 (Schlumberger, 2012). Feedback from Schlumberger customers and the findings from recently published spending surveys suggest that exploration and production investment in 2012 will be higher than that of 2011 which is an indication that business may continue its modest growth into 2012. A good indication that Schlumberger will continue conducting business as a going concern is the 2011 revenue of $37.0 billion,39% higher than 2010, primarily reflecting the acquisition of Smith International on August 27, 2010 as well as the significantly improved overall activity. Please note 2009 was cut from SLB 2010 Annual Report as only two years are listed. Schlumberger Ltd. | | | | | Dec 31, 2011 | Dec 31, 2010Show MoreRelatedFinancial Analysis of Halliburton Essay1517 Words  | 7 Pagesperformance and analyze its financial position compared to other companies in the industry in order to be prosperous and successful. Important factors of a company’s outlook are its financial strength and weaknesses. These factors can be evaluated by reviewing the firm’s financial statements and using ratios to help measure a company’s liquidity, leverage, activity, profitability, and growth. Financial ratios are computed by using the information found in a company’s financial statements: primarily incomeRead MoreCompany Case Study : Halliburton Company1031 Words  | 5 PagesMyrtle L. Jones, Chairman; David J. Lesar, Two Executive President; Mark A. McCollum, Vice President and Treasurer; Timothy M. McKeon, President; Jeffrey A. Miller, Executive Vice President; Lawrence J. Pop and Robb L. Voyles A. Porter Five Forces analysis i. New Market Entrance Generally before the company decides to enter into a new business, there are potential and crucial barriers, drawbacks and challenges it faces in the oil and natural gas e.g. the tax compliance and their products are soldRead MoreThe Preferred Approach From The Perspective Of The Employee9293 Words  | 38 Pagesresults of question 11 for any of the classes against those of question 10 for any of the classes. Table 4: Results for Question 10 for employees only: Oman Water Schlumberger Strongly Disagree 2 1 Disagree 5 0 Agree 8 16 Strongly Agree 9 6 Not Applicable 3 8 Table 5: Results for Question 11 for employees only: Oman Water Schlumberger Strongly Disagree 4 0 Disagree 8 3 Agree 5 15 Strongly Agree 7 9 Not Applicable 4 4 Still in order to further understand what this truly remains of evidence is howRead MoreJSB Market Research: Reservoir Analysis Market by Service, by Application and by Geography - Global Trends Forecasts to 2014 - 20192564 Words  | 11 PagesReservoir Analysis Market by Service (Reservoir Simulation, Geo-Modeling, Data Acquisition Monitoring and Reservoir Sampling Services), by Application (Onshore and Offshore) and by Geography Global Trends Forecasts to 2014 – 2019 On 24th December 2014 This report provides analysis of reservoir analysis by type of services, such as reservoir simulation geomodeling, data acquisition monitoring and reservoir sampling services that is used in onshore and offshore applications. The serviceRead MoreRole Of Managing Diverse Workforce In Organizations3690 Words  | 15 Pagesmanagerial practices, such empowerment or motivation. As such, it is extremely important for organizations to be fully aware of the needs and requirements of their employees and workers, since they are mostly diverse in nature. Therefore, from the above analysis, it becomes clear that the main aim of effectively managing diverse workforce in an organization is to increase employees’ job satisfaction and develop their self-concept and self-esteem. When an employee becomes highly motivated and satisfied withRead MoreEssay on Smart Card3553 Words  | 15 PagesHewlett-Packard are reportedly working on keyboards that include smart card slots that can be read like bank credit cards. The hardware for making the cards and the devices that can read them is currently made principally by Bull, Gemplus, and Schlumberger. How Smart Cards Work A smart card contains more information than a magnetic stripe card and it can be programmed for different applications. Some cards can contain programming and data to support multiple applications and some can be updatedRead MoreA Study On The Human Resource System10681 Words  | 43 Pagesand employees on (ITM) of the company. Furthermore, understanding how out of these objectives, research questions form that must answered in order to reach the degree of evidence needed to establish validity of findings found later during the data analysis. Research questions aim to centre the process around investigating the connections between ITM and employee job satisfaction within specific organizational environments or i.e. petroleum firms. The research questions are as follows: 1. What is theRead MoreTucker Energy Services Ltd2741 Words  | 11 PagesAlso, some of the Business Organizational and Process values illustrate; â€Å"We will encourage an atmosphere of open communication. We will continuously focus on cost-effective methods of doing business through a lean, functional organization†. A SWOT analysis is a valuable synopsis technique used for summarising main issues stemming from an evaluation of a business’s internal position and also its external environmental impacts. It evaluates the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats involvedRead MoreSmart Cards And Its Role For Securing User Identification2156 Words  | 9 Pagespeople around the world the smart card contain a small chip called as a microcontroller. People started to develop smart cards in 1970s by a japan Dr. and by two inventers from Germany. Using smart cards will make everyone life more easy on the financial side, since it gives the ability to not use papers you only need to be authorized to carry the card and do the transaction electrical. The information that is between the cardholder and the organization is always secure. When they manufacture theRead MoreConoco Phillips Strategic Management4842 Words  | 20 PagesComprehensive Analysis and Recommendation Report Submittal Date: May 3rd, 2013. Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary............................................................................................3 2.History / Origins.†¦..............................................................................................4 3.Company Split-2012...........................................................................................6 4.Porters Five Forces........................
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Abortion Essay Pro Life Example For Students
Abortion Essay Pro Life n Roman times, abortion and the destruction of unwanted children waspermissible, but as out civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were nolonger acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada alongwith most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the UnitedNations promising every human being the right to life. The World MedicalAssociation meeting in Geneve at the same time, stated that the utmostrespect for human life was to be from the moment of conception. Thisdeclaration was re-affirmed when the World Medical Association met in Osloin 1970. Should we go backwards in our concern for the life of an individualhuman being? The unborn human is still a human life and not all the wishfulthinking of those advocating repeal of abortion laws, can alter this. Those ofus who would seek to protect the human who is still to small to cry aloud forits own protection, have been accused of having a 19th Century approach tolife in the last third of the 20th Century. But who in reality is using argumentsof a bygone Century? It is an incontrovertible fact of biological science Make no Mistake that from the moment of conception, a new human lifehas been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to overidetheir knowledge, can deny it: only those who are irrational or ignorant ofscience, doubt that when a human sperm fertilizes a human ovum a newhuman being is created. A new human being who carries genes in its cellsthat make that human being uniquely different from any and other humanbeing and yet, undeniably a member, as we all are, of the great human family. All the fetus needs to grow into a babe, a child, an old man, is time, nutritionand a suitable environment. It is determined at that very moment ofconception whether the baby will be a boy or a girl; which of his parents hewill look like; what blood type he will have. His whole heritage is foreverfixed. Look at a human being 8 weeks after conception and you, yes everyperson here who can tell the difference between a man and a women, will beable to look at the fetus and tell me whether it is a baby boy or a girl. No, afetus is not just another part of a womens body like an appendix orappendage. These appendages, these perfectly formed tiny feel belong to a10 week developed baby, not to his or her mother. The fetus is distinct anddifferent and has its own heart beat. Do you know that the fetus heartstarted beating just 18 days after a new life was created, beating before themother even knew she was pregnant? By 3 months of pregnancy thedeveloping baby is just small enough to be help in the palm of a mans handbut look closely at this 3 month old fetus. All his organs are formed and all hissystems working. He swims, he grasps a pointer, he moves freely, heexcretes urine. If you inject a sweet solution into the water around him, hewill swallaw because he likes the taste. Inject a bitter solution and he will quitswallowing because he does not like the taste. By 16 weeks it is obvious toall, except those who have eyes but deliberately do not see, that this is ayoung human being. Who chooses life or death for this little one becauseabortion is the taking of a human life? This fact is undeniable; however muchof the members of the Womens Liberation Movement, the new Feminists,Dr. Henry Morgentaler or the Canadian Medical Association President feelabout it, does not alter the fact of the matter. An incontrovertible fact thatcannot change as feelings change. If abortion is undeniably the taking ofhuman life and yet sincere misguided people feel that it should be just apers onal matter between a women and the doctor, there seems to be 2choices open to them. (1) That they would believe that other acts ofdestruction of human beings such as infanticide and homicide should be of noconcern of society and therefore, eliminate them from the criminal code. ThisI cannot believe is the thinking of the majority, although the tendency fordoctors to respect the selfish desire of parents and not treat the newborndefective with a necessary lifesaving measure, is becoming increasingly morecommon. (2) But for the most part the only conclusion available to us is thatthose pressing for repeal of the abortion laws believe that there are differentsorts of human beings and that by some arbitrary standard, they can placedifferent values on the lives of there human beings. Of course, differenthuman beings have different values to each of us as individuals: my mothermeans more to me than she does to you. But the right to life of all humanbeings is undeniable. I do not think th is is negotiable. It is easy to beconcerned with the welfare of those we know and love, while regardingeverybody else as less important and somehow, less real. Most people wouldrather have heard of the death of thousands in the Honduras flooding disasterthan of a serious accident involving a close friends or favourite relatives. Thatis why some are less disturbed by the slaughter of thousands of unbornchildren than by the personal problems of a pregnant women across thestreet. To rationalize this double standard, they pretend to themselves that theunborn child is a less valuable human life because it has no active socialrelationships and can therefore, be disposed of by others who have anarbitrary standard of their own for the value of a human life. I agree that thefetus has not developed its full potential as a human being: but neither haveany of us. Nor will any of us have reached that point: that point of perfecthumaness, when we die. Because some of us may be less far along the paththan others, does not give them the right to kill us. But those in favour ofabortion, assume that they have that right, the standard being arbitrary. Tosay that a 10 week fetus has less value that a baby, means also that one mustconsider a baby of less value than a child, a young adult of less value than anold man. Surely one cannot believe this and still be civilized and human. Asociety that does not protect its individual members is on the lowest scale ofcivilized society. One of the measures of a more highly civilized society, is itsattitude towards its weaker members. If the poor, the sick, the handicapped,the mentally ill, the helpless are not protected, the society is not as advancedas in a society where they are protected. The more mature the society is, themore there is respect for the dignity and rights of all human beings. Thefunction of the laws of the society, is to protect and provide for all membersso that no individual or group of individuals can be victimized by anotherindividual group. Every member of Canadian society has a vital stake in whatvalue system is adopted towards its weak, aged, cripple, its helplessintra-uterine members; a vital stake in who chooses life or death. As some ofyou may know, in 1969, the abortion laws were changed in Canada, so that itbecame legal for a doctor to perform an abortion if a committee of 3 otherdoctors in an eccredited hospital deemed that continuation of the pregnancyconstituted a severe threat to the life and health, mental or physical of thewomen. Threat to health was not defined and so it is variously interpreted tomean very real medical disease to anything that interferes with even social oreconomic well being, so that any unwanted or unplanned pregnancy thusqualifies. What really is the truth about the lasting effect of an unwantedpregnancy on the psyche of a womem? Of course there is a difference ofopinion among psychiatrists, but if unbiased, prospective studies are examinedcertain facts become obvious. (1) The health of women who are mentally illbefore they become pregnant, is not improved by an abortion. In fact in 1970an official statement of the World Health Organization said, Serious mentaldisorders arise more often in women previous mental problems. Thus the verywomen for whom legal abortion is considered justified on psychiatric grounds,are the ones who have the highest risk of post-abortion psychiatric disorders. Feminism And Gender Equality EssayBefore exploring the reality of so-called safe abortion, let me tell you a littlemethod of procuring an abortion. Before 13 weeks of pregnancy, the neck ofthe womb is dilated a comparatively easy procedure in someone who hasalready had a child much more difficult if childbirth has not occurred. Theproducts of conception in many hospitals are removed but a suction apparatus considered safe and better that the curettal scraping method. After 13weeks pregnancy, the fetus is too big to be removed in this was and either adangerous method of injection a solution into the womb is carried out, thissalting out method results in the mother going into what is really a miniaturelabour and after a period of time, expelling a very dead often skinned baby. Insome hospitals because of the danger of this procedure to the mother, anoperation like a miniature Caesarean section called a hysterotomy has to beperformed. There area also many other methods. Let us now l ook if we can,at consequences of such license to kill an individual too small to cry for itsown protection. Abortion by suction curettage is not just as simple as a pelvicexamination performed in a doctors office as Dr. Morgentaler and thetelevision programe W5 who were doing a great disservice to young womenin Canada would have us believe. In Canada as reported in the CanadianMedical Association Journal (the Statistics from Statistics Canada), thecomplication rate and this being for immediate complications of early abortionis 4.5%. According to the Wyn report with statistics from 12 counties, womenwho have a previous induced abortion have their ability to bear children in thefuture permanently impaired. There is a 5-10% increase in infertility. Thechances of these women having a pregnancy in the tube increases up to 4times. Premature delivery increases up to 50% and when one realizes thatprematurity is the commonest cause for infants being mentally or physicallydefective, having ce rebral palsy or other difficulties, then one realizes thatthose doctors doing abortions in great numbers south of the border or acrossthe water, even in Canada may not be doing the women and her family aservice. They will tell you that abortion has almost no complications. Whatmost of them will not tell you, is that once the abortion is done they mayrefuse to see the women again and that she must take her post-abortalproblems elsewhere. Those seeking repeal of the present abortion law willrapidly point out that nevertheless, it is safer to have a legal abortion thanillegal abortions, safer for the women that is. This I don not dispute, but hereis the real rub. Liberalized abortion laws do not eliminate illegal, back streetabortions and in some cases, the overall number of illegal abortions actuallyrise, usually stays stagnant, and rarely falls. There are still people who wouldrather try it themselves or go somewhere they will be completely anonymous. Another factor enters the total number of people seeking abortion, legal orillegal rises. The overall pregnancy rate rockets and people become carelesswith contraception and a women can have 3 or 4 abortions during the time ofone full term pregnancy. Are doctors really being kind to the girl to allow herto choose life or death for her unborn child? In aborting a 16 year old thisyear with so-called informed consent, we may be preventing her from havingeven 1 or 2 children 10 years later when happily married. No, repealing theabortion law does not make it possible for every women to safely eliminate,what is for her, an unwanted pregnancy. Would limiting abortions toaccredited hospitals make it safer? Yes, safer for the women, not for thefetus and it would jeopardize the continued well being of all of the membersof the community with the gross misuse of the medical manpower, hospitalfacilities and money. With almost 31,739 abortions performed in Ontario in1989, the cost to OHIP is about 9 million dollars. Yet to do as has been donein the U.S.A and the United Kingdom namely to make legal, abortions is toturn so-called backstreet butchers into legal operators. Patients now go intothe office through the front door instead of the rear. I have heard it said thatis abortions became available on request, many less children would be bornand we could use the pleasant delivery suites and postnatal beds forabortions. As I have pointed out, however, before today, liberalization ofabortion does not reduce the birth rate. There would be little increase inavailable facilities or indeed doctors time. By the very nature of the operationand because the longer pregnancy lasts, the more difficult it is, patients forabortions are admitted as urgent cases or emergencies so that all othermembers of the community must wait longer for their hospital bed or thesurgery they need. Who will pay for there abortions? With medicare, ofcourse, it is you and I. I know one full tern pregnancy cost s most than anabortion, but not much more. And it does not cost more than 3 abortions andthat is what happens when the climate or choice for life or death of theunborn child changes. Let us use this money for constructive purposes, notdestructive. It has been suggested that abortions on request would enable thepoor to secure abortion as easily as the rich but regrettably, it has been shownthat abortion-minded physicians in great demand will respond to the age-oldcommercial rules, as has already happened in the States and in Britain. Abortion on demand a womens right to choose not to continue an unplannedpregnancy would prevent there being unwanted children in this country, so weare told. This is the final and desperate emotional plea of people anxious, atwhatever price, to escape the responsibility for their actions. Nobody here orin Canada, wants there to be unwanted children in this city, and in thiscountry, and also in this world. There is nothing more pitiable or heat rendingthat an unwanted fetus becoming an unwanted babe or an unwanted babebecoming an unwanted child, or an unwanted child becoming an embitteredadult. But few would think it right to kill or have killed an unwanted baby toprevent it from becoming an unwanted child. Then how can they think it rightto kill an unwanted fetus, even more defenceless than a newborn babe justbecause it may grow into an unwanted child. Once a women has conceived,she already is a parent, be it willing or otherwise. The only way she ceases itbe a parents is by a natura l death or an act of killing. Killing in any form is notthe solution to so-called unwanted human beings at any age. Hitler thoughtthis was right. Canadians surely do not. It is a permissive and frightenedsociety that does not develop the expertise to control population, civil disorder,crime, poverty, even its own sexuality but yet would mount an uncontrolled,repeat uncontrolled, destructive attack on the defenceless, very beginnings oflife. Let us marshall all our resources financial, educational, those of socialagencies, but above all, of human concern and passion for our fellow humans. Let us by all means, make available to all, knowledge of conception andmethods of contraception. Let us offer ourselves as loving humans to those
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Homosexuality Essays - Same-sex Sexuality, Sexual Orientation
Homosexuality Summary Two billboards were covered up, yesterday, March 9, as the identity of the man responsible for them was revealed. These billboards angered the civic and gay rights leaders tremendously. Located in Staten Island, they condemned homosexuality by using verses from the Bible. The man responsible for this was Reverend Kristopher Okwedy of the Keyword Ministries in Staten Island. He paid $1,800 to post the two signs for one month's time. These signs cited four translations of Leviticus 18:22. It read: ?Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination.? These messages were covered up yesterday with McGruff the crime dog and Smokey the bear, when Guy V. Molinari, the Staten Island borough president denounced it, along with local gay leaders. Mr. Okwedy's name had remained anonymous until yesterday, when the billboard company released it, with his permission of course. He felt that the company improperly censored him. In a statement he said: ?This is the land of the free, home of the brave. You are supposed to protect the rights of free speech. I paid money and did not violate any city laws. Donald Rosenthal, a lawyer for the union that owns the billboards, said that the signs were covered up because they did not disclose who paid for the messages. Mr. Okwerdy said, however, that he was never told that he had to put his name on them. He decided to remain anonymous, but would not have had a problem with revealing his name if asked. Daniel Master, legal counsel of Molinari, said that the message should not have been printed even with the name attached: ?A responsible member of the business community would not have printed this.? Issue There are a couple of issues being discussed here. First of all, there is the issue of the first amendment. The first amendment gives the citizens of the United States the right to free speech. Does covering up the signs violate that right? Isn't he allowed to say what he pleases just as the billboard for a car or for a food franchise? The second issue is gay rights. Does this man have the right to bash homosexuals? If so, aren't the homosexuals having their rights compromised by this billboard. Should the city allow for making so many people angry, uncomfortable and frustrated just because one man wants to have his say? Opinion I am a very big gay rights activist. I feel that they are people just as heterosexuals are, and blacks and Asians and everyone else for that matter. I hate when their rights as citizens and as human beings get violated by bigots and ignorant people. However, I also feel that the Bill of Rights provides laws for everyone, bigots included. So if a person wants to bash gay people, as long as he is not being violent, I feel that he should have the right to do so. The reason that the city gave for covering up the signs was very weak and implausible. Who cares if the person who put up the signs does not disclose his name? They were just getting a lot of pressure from the gay and civil rights activist, so they found a loophole to cover up the signs. This in no was excuses them from ridding a man his Constitutional rights of free speech and free press.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Germanys Eagerness to Rule essays
Germany's Eagerness to Rule essays In exploring the causes of the First World War, many diverse theories have been argued. Many people indicted imperialism as the principle cause of the war. Many others say that the arms race (militarism) was the culprit. I believe that several of these things combined caused the First World War. The Alliance system caused many fears throughout Germany. Germany felt like they had their backs against the wall with no allies. This caused Germany to fight back, leading to the First World War. There are many factors that led to hostility between military powers in Europe. Militarism was one cause for many of these hostilities. Militarism in the early 1900s was very similar to the arms race of today. Because Great Britain had a good navy, Germany felt as though they needed a strong navy as well (McDonough 8). Germany and France also competed for larger armies. The more one nation built up its army or navy the more the other nations felt they had to do the same. Each country was constantly trying to be better than the other. This led to great military expansion for Britain, Germany, and France. Another cause for many hostilities was imperialism. Some European nations ruled smaller countries, called colonies, and competed with each other to amass more colonies. Gathering these colonies became known as imperialism. Both France and Britain had colonies all throughout Africa and Asia (McDonough 6-7). Germany and Italy soon realized how France and Britains countries were expanding and they too wanted a colonial empire. In addition to many political conflicts, the hostilities were pushed by such forces as nationalism or patriotism. Nationalism led many European nations to compete for the largest army and navy, or the greatest industrial development, or the biggest empire. The main hostilities in Europe all derived from competing with each other. ...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Safe evacuation from multi tenanted buildings Essay
Safe evacuation from multi tenanted buildings - Essay Example This will minimize the risk of fire accidents. The probability of fire accidents can be reduced only if the normal people are taught to use the fire extinguishers. If an efficient method is used to educate people regarding the fire accidents, it would reduce the number of fire accidents. People must also be taught to safeguard themselves from such accidents. Fire accidents generally occur at multistoried buildings and residential apartments. People find it still more difficult to evacuate themselves from such fire accidents. Since the number of people will be more in such accidents, evacuation procedure is certainly difficult. Evacuations from multi tenanted buildings are also equally difficult. In this case, safe evacuation is more important. (Dennett, 2004).Safe evacuation can be done only if the people are well informed about the consequences of the fire accident. They must be careful enough to safeguard themselves in such situations. Any minor mistake might cost a life and people must be efficient enough to handle these situations. Safe Evacuation Self evacuating equipments also form a part of the safe evacuation program. Safe evacuation equipment lends a helping hand at times of fire accidents. By using these equipments, the severance of the fire accidents can be reduced to a certain extent. ... The safety exit must be clearly specified and people must have an access to the exit routes. They must be taught not to use elevators and during a fire accident. Self evacuation is more dangerous in case of severe fire accidents were the fire has spread to all parts of the building. In such situation, they must incorporate any method to get out of the building. The primary task is to use the available fire extinguishers to minimize the spread of fire. If it does not work in an effective manner, then they must try to come out of the building. The situation becomes tough if disabled people also reside in the same building. In this case, wheel chairs and other mobility equipments must be used to save them. People must be confident enough to handle the situation, since even a minor issue might lead to a severe problem. (Grant, 1994). Before implementing any of these self evacuation operations, the residents must intimate the fire and rescue service to help them in case of any emergency. This would enable them to help the people who are caught up in the upper floors of the building. Safe Evacuation Procedures Multi tenanted buildings are more prone to fire accidents. Since the numbers of housing units are more, the possibilities of fire accidents are more. The severity of fire accident might also be more, since the number of people to be evacuated will eventually be more when compared to other buildings. (Kramer, 2009).The initial step in the self evacuation procedure is to use the fire alarm system immediately. In case a fire identified, the residents must intimate the fire service. Once this is done, they must seek the help of other residents to move out of the building. Evacuation Plan An evacuation plan must
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Curriculum for the gifted Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Curriculum for the gifted - Essay Example A major shift in the curriculum design for the gifted was introduced by Van Tassel-Baska and Little when they suggested that the curriculum design should be a performance-based model which gives emphasis on the level of functioning of the individual to determine whether he is ready to go up the next level (Chapter 1 - Curriculum for the gifted: Past, present and future directions). This new development changed the view that the curriculum should have an optimal match with the characteristic of the gifted learner. With this new approach therefore, the curriculum design becomes more responsive to the needs of the gifted learner. There are several issues in developing a curriculum for gifted learners. A major issue which confronts a teacher in developing a curriculum for the gifted is that not all gifted learners are alike with regards to their characteristics and needs (Chapter 2 - Curriculum design issues in developing a curriculum for the gifted). The background of the student, like income level, must be taken into consideration so that the curriculum can be adapted accordingly. Another issue that faces the curriculum developer is the choice of content and the process design (Chapter 2 - Curriculum design issues in developing a curriculum for the gifted). A decision has to be made on whether the topic will be of interest to the gifted. The content should be meaningful and challenging enough so that the students will be interested to explore it. The teacher who will be discussing the topic must be appropriately knowledgeable of the topic, else the gifted student might lose interest in it. The strategy to be used in teaching the content is another issue that must be tackled by the instructor of gifted individuals. A single strategy may not work for all learners. The issue is determining what combination of strategies must be applied so that the gifted learners get the maximum benefit from the curriculum (Chapter 2 -
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Microeconomics And Tourism In South Africa Tourism Essay
Microeconomics And Tourism In South Africa Tourism Essay South africa is a country that a has a famous history of racial divisiveness and diversity, but today the rainbow nation is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa and in the world as a whole. In the following report we will analyze the microeconomic situation in South Africa. This will help us decide weather the hotel we have chosen is, in fact, the best one. In order to achieve our goal, we will look at the history of the country and talk about South African government and politics. We will also analyze the countries economic situation by looking at the economic growth since 1980, the principal trading partners, the impact of the 2010 World Cup and finally the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as the type of the market economy. Furthermore we will analyze the local economy of the city of Cape Town where the Hotel is located. Thus looking at the lodging Industry and analyze weather the economic strategy is successful or not. We will achieve this by identifying its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the tourism industry as well as for the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa. Finally we will identify the competitors of the Hotel. With this in mind we will begin to define what are our criteria to classify the best hotel and identify weather this Hotel is indeed the best one or not. In the end we will present our conclusions that prove that Hotel can be classified as the best one in South Africa. History of the Country South Africa is located at the southernmost point of the African continent. It has a long 2798 km coastline on the Atlantic and Indian oceans. It is one of the largest and most powerful states in Africa with a population of over 50 million inhabitants. The African country has been inhabited for more than three million years. This country is also known as the cradle of mankind. Diversity in South Africa began very early with the San and the Khoekhoe peoples in the 6th century BC and evolved ever since making it one of the most ethnical diverse country in the world. This diversity is a big part of the rainbow nations conflictual history. In 1487 white settlers set foot for the first time with the portuguese explorer Bartolomeo Dias Today. Later in 1961 it became a republic, but apartheid rules did not leave with the British retreat. Apartheid gave a bad image of South Africa in the world, and other wealthy nations of the world began to boycott its economy because of its racial policies and oppression. But when Nelson Mandela was freed in 1991 the situation started to change, he was elected as president on the first non-racial elections on 27th of April 1994. Since then South Africa came a long way, a black man Jacob Zuma is currently at the head of the state since he was elected in May of 2009. The country has been given the trust and privilege to host last summers biggest event worldwide: the FIFA World Cup which showed the world what South Africa has achieved. They have 11 official languages, the main ones are Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans followed by English. It is a member of the African Union, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Common Wealth of Nations, the International Monitory Fund and the NEPAD (New Partnership of Africas Development). Mandelas nation has three capitals, Cape Town which is the legislative capital, Pretoria which is the executive capital and Bloemfontein which is the judicial capital. Johannesburg is not a capital although it is the largest city. It is a middle income emerging country that has a large amount of supplies thanks to their natural resources. The country has a very developed finance, communication, energy and transportation sectors and is ranked as 17th largest stock exchange in the world by the WTO and is in the top 30 in the world in accordance to its GDP. Economy in South Africa The South African economy is ranked as a upper-middle income economy by the World Bank. About a quarter of the population is unemployed and lives on less than US $1.25 a day. This table shows the economy growth from 1980 to 2010 : Year Gross Domestic Product (bln USD) US Dollar Exchange (early January) Unemployment rate Per Capita Income (as % of USA) 1980 80.547 0.8267 Rand 9.2 22.56 1985 57.273 2.0052 Rand 15.5 9.81 1990 111.998 2.5419 Rand 18.8 13.10 1995 151.117 3.5486 Rand 16.7 13.24 2000 132.964 6.1188 Rand 25.6 8.47 2005 246.956 5.6497 Rand 26.7 12.34 2010 354.414 7.462 Rand 24.8 15.06 The majority of economical transactions occur around 4 areas: Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Pretoria. They are the economical heart of the country and the hubs to the rest of the world. Although these megalopolis can be compared to those of the western world, disparity amongst the countrys region remains. The development is marginal and poverty and HIV are still prevalent. The government demonstrated its commitment to open market, privatization and a favorable investment climate with its introduction of the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategy which is a South African neoliberal macroeconomic strategy implemented in 1996. As its name says the GEAR strategy has four more objectives that are embedded on this strategy namely: economic growth, full employment, price stability and balance payment stability. The Rand is the most actively trended emerging market currency in the world. The Rand was the best performing currency against the US dollar between 2002 and 2005, according to the Bloomberg Currency Scorecard. Principal international trading partners of South Africa include Germany, the United States, China, Japan, The United Kingdom and Spain. Chief exports include corn, diamonds, fruits, gold, metals and minerals, sugar and wool. Machinery and transportation equipment make up more than 1/3 of the value of the countrys imports. Other imports are chemicals, manufactured goods and petroleum. Also, South Africa has a big agricultural sector and an exporter of farming products. There are almost a thousand agricultural cooperatives and businesses throughout the country. Agricultural exports constituted 8 % of the countrys exports for the last 5 years and it contributes that 10% of formal employment to the country. Finally, South Africas economy depends largely on the tourism industry which has been identified as one of the key economic sectors with excellent potential for growth. Directly and indirectly, tourism constitutes approximately 7% of employment in South Africa. To develop and exploit the countrys tourism potential, infrastructure and support facilities of which hotels, like the one we chose, are an integral part. The hospitality industry in South Africa has experienced a steady growth during the past years. Different issues in the government really affected the hospitality sector of the country, but there is a reason now to be optimistic. By hosting the FIFA World Cup it was a great opportunity to boost their economy and especially the tourism sector. A total of 309.554 foreign tourists arrived in South Africa for the primary purpose of attending the event. The continent counted 34% of the worlds foreign tourists, followed by Europe with 24% and Central and South America with 13% The total expenditure in South Africa by tourists who came specifically for the 2010 FIFA World Cup amounted to 3.7 million euros. The average length of stay of tourists during this period was 10.3 nights.Total awareness of South Africa as a leisure and tourism destination increased by 9% following the event. The intention to visit South Africa in the Short term increased by 35% following the event. The industry is creating jobs and wealth, it could also play a crucial role in making the countrys economy to be a better one. However, fragmentation remained some serious impediments to South Africas hospitality industry growth. The industry revolved in different types of businesses, such as airlines, boats, bus companies, hotels, car hire, festivals and events, tour guides, retailing and sightseeing destinations. Therefore the South Africans must be proactive and take responsibility to continue to drive change. After the positive market sentiment recorded last September 2010, the tourism industry is in a very good shape especially since 2009 was a particularly bad year also due to the world economy crisis. South Africas tourism boom has had a predictable effect on the performance of the countrys hotels. South Africa GDP per capita The GDP has grown by more than 4 times in 30 years, that is due to the political and social development since 1980 and especially the abolition of the apartheid which lead to more open economical choices. According to the World Bank, South Africas GDP per capita is currently U$D 3,764 (South Africas GDP adjusted by inflation, divided by the total population). From 1960 until 2008 this figure was U$D 3096.02, with a historical peak of U$D 3764 in December 2008 and a historical low of U$D 2207 in 1960. Although the GDP seems to be increasingly rising, the unemployment rate has reached a dramatical number, 24.8% of the South Africans population is unemployed the rate rose by 15 points since 1980. Demand According to the Horwath Worldwide Hotel Industry Study (2001) South Africa remained the most popular African destination in terms of arrivals in 2000. South Africa is also increasingly becoming a popular international conference destination attracting a large amount of customers from the MICE market. In addition, South Africas hospitality industry continues to attract international investors especially once it was set to host the FIFA world cup and since then investors have been flowing in. In 2010 South Africa recorded 5.5 million arrivals. There was growth in tourist arrivals to South Africa from all regions, with the highest growth coming from the Americas at 91.3% (74,545). Asia and Australasia grew by 41.0% (30,216) and the Africa air markets grew by 30.8% (20,611), while Europe and the Africa land markets grew by 19.1% (43,672) and 5.3% (63,770) respectively.The demand in the tourism industry in South Africa is growing exponentially and the government, investors and hospitality professionals are working together so that the supply meets the constantly rising demand. Supply Profit maximization Profit maximisation is the process by which a hotel determines the price and output level that returns the greatest profit. There are 2 typical ways to achieve profit maximisation: Focus on minimising and control expenses Focus on maximising revenue The Leisure and Tourism Industry South Africa South Africa is known as one of the most sophisticated and promising countries in the whole African continent, and has shown as we have seen it, a strong and consistent improvement in the economy. Its scenic beauty, cultural diversity and reputation for delivering value for money have made it one of the worlds fastest growing leisure and business travel destinations (BRICS countries). Being highly diverse in terms of its, culture, tourist activities and infrastructure. It adapts to every tourism niche, from business, eco- and cultural tourism through to adventure and sport tourism. Its tourism sector began growing significantly since 1994, and due to the importance government gives to tourism in the country. Tourism also generates much of South Africas tax revenue as much as $655 billion in 2005 and influences government spending in infrastructure such as highways, airports, etc. Growing three times faster then the world average. It has become a really important sector, which is creating millions of jobs, employing 212 millions of people. South Africa is becoming more popular among tourist destinations, with 860 000 arrivals per month (statistics from 2008) from which over 10% come from outside of the African continent. The tourism industry has generated a revenue of $3.4 trillion, which represents around 3% GDP. The hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in June and July 2010 remarkably contributed to the countrys economy and development of hundreds of hotels and other hospitality establishments Sà  ¾uth à  friÑ à  ° is therefore tà  °rgà  µting numerous different segments of tourism industry. Such as the afore mentioned domestic tourism, business tourism, eco tourism, cultural tourism but also the adventure tourism. Business Tourism The award of the 2010 FIFA World Cup was just one sign that South Africa was seen as a stable and modern country compared to other African countries. It proved that it posses first-class infrastructure and is an ideal location for intà  µrnà  °tià  ¾nà  °l Ñ à  ¾ngrà  µssà  µs à  °nd Ñ à  ¾nvà  µntià  ¾ns.Thà  µ Ñ à  ¾untry hà  °s wà  µll à  ¾và  µr 1 000 wà  ¾rld-Ñ là  °ss Ñ à  ¾nfà  µrà  µnÑ à  µ à  °nd à  µxhibitià  ¾n Ñ à  µntrà  µs. Sà  ¾uth à  friÑ à  ° is tà  °rgà  µting businà  µss trà  °và  µllà  µrs for the main reason that they spà  µnd à  ¾n à  °và  µrà  °gà  µ thrà  µÃƒ  µ to four timà  µs mà  ¾rà  µ thà  °n the là  µisurà  µ travellers. This thrà  ¾ugh tà  ¾urs and leisure activities such as experiencing the African culture and safari, but also luxury golf courses, shopping and relaxation- bà  µfà  ¾rà  µ à  ¾r à  °ftà  µr thà  µir businà  µss à  °Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ tivitià  µs à  °nd thrà  ¾ugh rà  µturn trips. à  n à  µstimà  °tà  µd 6-7% à  ¾f Sà  ¾uth à  friÑ à  °s fà  ¾rà  µign visità  ¾rs in 2007 wà  µrà  µ businà  µss tà  ¾urists. Tà  ¾tà  °l dirà  µÃƒâ€˜Ã‚ t spà  µnding by businà  µss tà  ¾urists tà  ¾ $ 2.4 billià  ¾n that year. Sà  ¾uth à  friÑ à  °s Ñ à  ¾nfà  µrà  µnÑ à  µ industry mà  ¾và  µd up tà  ¾ 3oth plà  °Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ à  µ in thà  µ Intà  µrnà  °tià  ¾nà  °l à  ¡Ãƒ  ¾ngrà  µss à  °nd à  ¡Ãƒ  ¾nvà  µntià  ¾n à  ssà  ¾Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ ià  °tià  ¾ns là  °stà  µst tà  ¾p-40 list à  ¾f là  µÃƒ  °ding dà  µstinà  °tià  ¾ns in thà  µ wà  ¾rld. Domestic Tourism In 2006 domestic travel grew by 2.7%, nearly 12 million South Africans inhabitants took 37 million internal trips. In those trips 29 million tourists were visiting their family and friends, 2.8 million were traveling for holiday and 1.9 million for business reasons. The issue the tourism department is dealing with, is the challenge to turn the domestic tourism market from visiting family to leisure tourism and thus optimize the increase in the market. Furthermore, the tourism department is running a program called Shot Left, which works on the principle that encourages South African population to travel inside of the country. This is achieved by providing information about tourist attractions, access to tour operators, reasonable prices and tour packages. Eco Tourism Eco tourism is the fastest growing segment of tourism in South Africa thanks to its divà  µrsà  µ Ñ limà  °tà  µs rà  °ngà  µ frà  ¾m trà  ¾piÑ à  °l in thà  µ sà  ¾uth-à  µÃƒ  °st tà  ¾ dà  µsà  µrt in thà  µ Ñ à  µntrà  °l rà  µgià  ¾n. Thà  µ Ñ à  ¾untrys wildlifà  µ is và  °rià  µd , à  °nd is suppà  ¾rtà  µd by à  °n à  µxtrà  °Ãƒ  ¾rdinà  °ry bià  ¾là  ¾giÑ à  °l divà  µrsity. It creates opportunities for tourists which include bird-watching, nature photography, hiking and mountaineering, botanical studies and snorkeling. National and provincial parks in South Africa the world famous Kruger National Park as well private reserves, involve local communities in the management and conservation of natural resources. These communities are becoming aware of their responsibility to the environment, and with that they are also financially benefiting from ecotourism. The countrys prà  ¾tà  µÃƒâ€˜Ã‚ tà  µd à  °rà  µÃƒ  °s increased to 8%, à  °nd its mà  °rinà  µ prà  ¾tà  µÃƒâ€˜Ã‚ tà  µd à  °rà  µÃƒ  °s grew up tà  ¾ 20%, in 2010. Adventure Tourism Bà  µing à  °t thà  µ sà  ¾uthà  µrn tip à  ¾f à  ° là  °rgà  µ Ñ à  ¾ntinà  µnt, Sà  ¾uth à  friÑ à  ° à  ¾ffà  µrs 3 000 kilà  ¾mà  µtrà  µs à  ¾f Ñ à  ¾Ãƒ  °stlinà  µ à  °là  ¾ng with the mà  ¾untà  °ins. Thà  µ Ñ à  ¾untrys divà  µrsà  µ tà  µrrà  °in, tà  ¾gà  µthà  µr with à  ° Ñ limà  °tà  µ suità  µd tà  ¾ à  ¾utdà  ¾Ãƒ  ¾r à  °Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ tivitià  µs mà  °kà  µ it à  °n idà  µÃƒ  °l hunting grà  ¾und fà  ¾r à  °drà  µnà  °linà  µ sà  µÃƒ  µkà  µrs. Sà  ¾uth à  friÑ à  ° à  ¾ffà  µrs wà  ¾rld-Ñ là  °ss Ñ limbing, surfing, diving, hiking, hà  ¾rsà  µbà  °Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ k riding, sà  °fà  °ri, mà  ¾untà  °in biking, rivà  µr rà  °fting à  °nd just à  °bà  ¾ut à  °ny à  ¾thà  µr à  µxtrà  µmà  µ à  °Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ tivity. Cape town Cape Town is the most popular tourism destination for international arrivals as well as locals. Approximately 1.6 million tourists visited Cape Town in year 2006 and their total spending resulted in $10 billion of revenue. Cape town has recently expanded their International Convention center and now hosts 10% of all conferences and meeting of Africa for international and local business tourists. Also real estate business and construction market has hit its peak, when during the 2010 World Cup many people started to buy summer houses in the city or relocating there permanently. As we can see, there is a tendency for international tourists to visit South Africa more from year to year, which results in overnight stays and demand for accommodation and FB. Furthermore, the Cape Town beaches are very popular for their uniqueness and layout because of the difference in the water temperature. The Atlantic Coast average water temperature is around 13 ° Celsius, and the False Bay has an average temperature between 16 and 17 ° Celsius. Though colder, the Atlantic Coast is famous for its big waves and hosts different events including the Red Bull Big Wave Africa. Issues Unemployment Has an extreme unemployment rate, which interacts with other social and economic problems( education, crime and poor health outcomes) over 60% of unemployed have been without jobs more than a year. In second quarter of 2010 a number of people with work fell from 61.000 to 12.700 million. Income inequality The country is ranked in the top 10 countries in the world for income inequality. Black people are poorer than colored people Indians and Asians who are poorer than Whites. Public sector strikes In August and September 2010 SA unions organized a 4 week national strike involving 1.3 million public sector workers, demanding a 8.6% wage increase. The strike ended when the government had raised its 5.2% wage increased to 7.5%. Illegal immigration Many South African employers have employed migrants from poorer neighboring countries( Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi and others) for a lower pay than South African citizens. Electricity crisis After unsuccessful attempts by the government to encourage private construction of power generation capacity, the state-owned power supplier Eskom started experiencing deficiency in capacity in the electrical generating infrastructure in 2007. The lack of capacity was triggered by a failure at Koeberg nuclear power station. The supplier has been criticized for failing to adequately plan for and construct sufficient electrical generating capacity. The crisis was resolved in few month, but the margin between available capacity and national demand is still low. The government and Eskom are planning new power station (in 2025). SWOT analysis of the Tourism Industry Strengths: Weaknesses: Emerging economy Union strikes Low labor and fixed costs High poverty level Low tax Lack of skilled labor Better infrastructure and increased destination Unstable currency awareness since FIFA 2010 High rates of HIV/AIDS Opportunities: Threats: Growth of tourism from USA and European countries High crime level Low cost airlines companies (domestic market growth) Economic recession Government spending in tourism Unstable US Dollar Hosting of the 2020 summer Olympics Racial differences Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa Description Created in 1998, the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa is situated on the Southwestern coast of South Africa 45 minutes, by car, from Cape Town. The hotel is embraced by the Kogelberg Mountains and bordered by the Bot River Lagoon. The Hotel is near the Cape Wine Route in the the souther tip of Africa near Cape Agulhas, and only 15-minute drive from Hermanus. Perfectly suitable for those who want to relax from the hectic life but dont want to go far away from civilization, the region where the hotel is located is rich in bird life, exquisite mountain landscapes and endless recreational activities. For guests on business there are special conference facilities that deliver standards of professionalism and comfort. General Manager Rob Kucera has been promoted to GM of the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa after three years as a hotel manager at the Westin Grand in Cape Town. Rob joined The Westin Grand Cape Town Arabella Quays as an experienced hotelier, his most notable achievement is the establishment of an extremely focused and effective management team. His business acumen and leadership skills will undoubtedly add tremendous value to the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa and its employees. Rob Kucera has extensive experience, impeccable values and immense dedication added to a huge passion for the industry. These mentioned qualities have definitely earned him the respect from his seniors, peers, employees and guests alike. Rob Kucera has made a tremendous impact on the hotel industry this far in his career and we look forward to his continued success, says Friedrich Schaefer, COO and Area General Manager of Arabella Starwood SA. Facilities Apart from the standard facilities and services as: business center, shopping mall, valet and car rental service, airport transportation service (pick up and drop off), beauty salon, 24 hours Front Desk and Concierge service, childrens playground and babysitting service, restaurants with classic or traditional food, an wireless high internet access coverage on the premisses. The Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa provides its guests with : Chapters Library Arabella Spa with indoor and outdoor pools and jacuzzis and massage treatments The African Rainforest Experience- a world first sauna treatment developed in South Africa using African products and inspired by African rains The Sport club with a fitness center, tennis courts, horseback riding, fishing and kayaking The Unique golf course, recently voted the Number Two Golf Course in South Africa and the Top Golf Course in the Western Cape by The Complete Golfer magazine Rooms and Rates The Hotel has 265 rooms in total and brings Deluxe Rooms ( Rate is 1.672 ZAR) These large rooms are perfectly arranged for utmost comfort. Each Deluxe Room has a private balcony or terrace that overlooks garden or swimming pool. Most of 46 rooms are furnished with king size beds or twin single beds. The room can accommodate 2 adults and 1 child under two in a camping cot. Grand Deluxe Rooms (Rate is 1.950 ZAR Around 213 Euro) Offer the same style and comfort as Deluxe Room but has the additional benefit of a magnificent view of the Bot River Lagoon and Arabella Golf Course. Deluxe Suites (Rate is 2.850ZAR around 310 Euro) The room has a separate bedroom and lounge, divided by wooden sliding doors for additional privacy. The bathroom is large and for extra luxury equipped with TV set. A large balcony with loungers offers view of the perfectly manicured grounds and swimming pool. The Deluxe Suites can accommodate 2 adults and 2 children under the age of 12 and one child under the age of 2. Grand Deluxe Suites (The Rate is 3.500 ZAR around 380 Euro) The Grand Deluxe Suite provides the exceptional luxury and comfort of the Deluxe Room, with the addition of magnificent views of the Bot River Lagoon and Golf Course. Presidential Suites (The Rate is 6.500 ZAR around 705 Euro) The room offer luxury and comfort in a superbly appointed private setting complete with a 24 hours butler service to attend to your requirements. The entrance lobby affords access to the guest bathroom and beautiful lounge furnished with a fireplace. A study, accessible through the lounge, ensures a quite area to work or conduct business. Awards Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa is the Winner of: Africas Leading Luxury Hotel Africas Leading Spa Resort South Africas Leading Spa Resort Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc alliance The Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa is part of the Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc. Founded by Barry Sternlicht, it is one of the leading hotel and leisure companies in the world, with 1000 properties in nearly 100 countries with over 145,000 employees. They have a variety of brands include : Le Mà ©ridien ®, ElementSM Hotels, AloftSM Hotels, Sheraton ® Hotels Resorts, The Luxury Collection ®, St. Regis ® Hotels Resorts, Westin ® Hotels Resorts, W Hotels ® and Four Points ® by Sheraton. In 1993 Starwood Capital buys its first hotels and by 1994 owns interests in more than 30 properties. Nowadays Starwood celebrates the opening of its 1000th  hotel in China named The Sheraton Qiandao Lake hotel. Environmental sustainability: Starwood aims to conserve energy and water, reduce waste and enhance indoor environmental quality for Starwood guests. This year, in more than 90,000 rooms, guests staying in Starwood properties will be encouraged to turn off the lights. Properties will participate by dimming or turning off non-essential interior lighting, using candlelight in appropriate public areas such as restaurants and bars. Starwoods trailblazing eco-chic boutique Element Hotels brand was launched as the first major hotel brand to mandate that all U.S. properties pursue the U.S. Green Building Councils (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificate. Globally, Starwood is increasingly focused on integrating environmental sustainability into its operations and it was important to create a partnership with a world-class organization like CI to continue to move that work forward in the most inpactful way, said Sandy Swider, Vice President of Global Citizenship for Starwood. SWOT analysis of the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa Strengths: Location: The Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa is situated only 45 minutes from Cape Town offering all the benefits of the city but, at the same time, giving its guests the tranquility and privacy of a remote location. Upscale hotel: Rated a 5 star hotel The Arabella offers only the highest quality service Web page: Very interactive and beautifully designed Starwood alliance: High quality standards and strength of the brand name, the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa profits of the Starwoods achieved awards and new projects such as the Green policy History of the country: Rich historical heritage monuments and architecture Multicultural surrounding Developed infrastructure and superstructure Weaknesses: Location: The hotel is outside of the city area thus the hotel guests have some trouble getting transportation to it, even though the local transportation has improved, the regional transportation is not used at its fullest Lack of skilled labor: All though the school enrollment percentage has grown, this mainly concerns the primary education level. Skilled hoteliers are therefore still foreigners, such as Hotel School students like ourselves. Opportunities: Sports tourism: As we have seen in 2010, South Africa has been given the FIFA World Cup and presented an important economical growth, increasing the potential of their tourism sector. Having this experience, South Africa qualifies for the 2020 summer Olympic Games. We think that The Arabella Western Hotel and Spa should prepare its facilities to accommodate not only the visitors there to watch the games but also the athletes and their needs. Going green policy: Cape Town is ranked 30th greenest city in the world, plus the Arabella is following Starwoods Green Project and by incorporating the ideas and start attracting an eco friendly market segment. Threats: Unemployment rate: With the recession the unemployment rate has increased over the years. making the recovery harder. Furthermore the growth in the South African tourism will feel the crisis if the unemployment rate doesnt decrease, directly influencing the hotel. Seasonality and Occupancy level South Africa is rarely affected by seasonality issues because being situated at the most southern tip of Africa it has an ideal climate whole year round. During high seasons : November January, March April, June July and September October; the occupancy level at the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa is situated, in average, between 85%-95% For the rest of the year, on few occasions that we can call a low season, the occupancy level at the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa is in average 60%-65%. Competitors Within South Africa there are a lot of hotels and up and coming hotels. There is also a necessity for hotel rooms as there is a continuous increase of various tourists. The Marine Hotel Price: 200 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ for standard room No of rooms:64 40 minutes ride to city center Facilities: Spa, small conference room for 80 people and The collection boutique Auberge Provence Guesthouse Price : 390 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ for standard room No of rooms:90 1 hour drive to city center Facilities: 3 restaurants, Spa and Wellness center, conference rooms max 50 people. Mosselberg On Grotto Beach Price: 190 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ No of rooms: 110 1 hour ride to city center Facilities: Swimming pool, Lounge area, Games center, Free Wireless. One and only Cape town Price : 550 Euros No of rooms : 131 Located in the city center Facilities : OneOnly Spa Cape Town, Beauty Center, one Michelin star restaurant (chef Noby Matsuhisa), Conference room for 112 guests maximum. The Vendome Hotel Cape Town Price: 260 Euros No of rooms: 143 Located in the city center Facilities: outside pool, Conference facilities for approximately 220 guests, classic lounge, airport transfer. Based on the research, all the nearest 5 star hotels are very similar when it comes to location. However the prices are different. We discovered that Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa is larger than all the nearest hotels. Our hotel is the best place and offers the most, not only for leisure travelers but also for business ones. Long term sustainability Finally we are looking at the actions and ideas that the Arabella Western Cape Hotel and Spa can implement in order to continue to develop and become what we call sustainable in long term. An effective sustainable plan will help and maybe even ensure long life span for the hotel. By thinking about the environment and how our actions affect it we can predict issues that we will have to deal with in the near future. Therefore we can anticipate the loses and c
Monday, January 20, 2020
The protestant ethic :: essays research papers
Who would probably get the six hours of leisure, a Protestant or a Catholic? The Protestant group is mostly made up of the Northern European descent. The Catholic group comes mostly from the Southern European descent. Supposedly The Northern group was a little more advanced than the Southern group. The Catholics created less industrialized products, while the Protestants created highly advanced things which allowed their industrial lives to prosper. To me this sounds a lot like who is better the light skinned whites are the darker skinned whites. I mean I understand the facts as to what advancements actually came from a certain place but I think that no one Protestant was actually better than another Catholic. One could argue that maybe the Protestant group is a more advanced group because perhaps they have a personal relationship with God and the Catholic group doesn’t. Is that why the Catholic group isn’t as â€Å"blessed†as the Protestants? I mean you could really make up a lot of arguments as to why that is the way that it is. I mean today it is still like this in the world. Guess what the North Americans are a lot more advanced than the Southern Americans. Hmm?      â€Å"Status is something people aspire to, even if they don’t have the means to achieve it†, (Fancy). Could this mean that the Northern Europeans didn’t have the means to achieve things such as the Protestant did? Why did the Protestants have the means and where did they get them from, was it from God? â€Å"People saw that social mobility was possible for themselves.†(Fancy). â€Å"Hard work was an acceptable means to achieve it†(Fancy). Did the Southern Europeans really work as hard as the Protestants? Maybe the Protestants worked 50 hours more than the Catholics and maybe that is why they seem to have created more of a industrialized nation. I have just listed at least three reasons as to why the Northerners where so much more â€Å"better off†, than the Southerners. I know that Weber also kind of felt the way that I do about this having to really boil down to what spiritual beliefs played a role in who was to be more successful. â€Å"Spirit†, which had its roots from the Protestantism could not have grown in the modern capitalistic world. Weber believed that Europe was already acquainted with capitalism before the Protestant revolt. For a good century or so capitalism had been a growing monster.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Fitzgerald’s use of diction in The Great Gatsby Essay
The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, uses a specific choice of words along with selection of detail to develop the characters of Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson. This essay will cite specific examples that correspond to Fitzgerald’s use of diction and details. Although this passage does not emphasize on Tom Buchanan, his character is developed through the use of literary techniques. Tom’s character speaks three times during the course of this scene, and all three times his words make him sound as if he is superior to everyone. †‘It’s a bitch,’ said Tom decisively. ‘Here’s your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it.’ â€Å"(Page 28) In this quote, diction and a specific choice of words is apparent through the use of the word ‘decisively.’ Using this word creates the feeling that Tom is authoritative and commanding. This citation also serves as an example of Tom’s mannerisms throughout the novel. He speaks to an elderly person with contempt by telling him that he is wrong and that he should buy ten more dogs with the money he gives him. A parallel can also be drawn between Myrtle and the dog in that he looks at the dog in the same degree of importance as Myrtle. Tom’s lack of patience can also be seen in his retort to the old man’s answer. Another citation, which serves to magnify Tom’s superiority over others in the novel, is when Nick tries to leave Tom and Myrtle. â€Å"No you don’t,†Tom interposed quickly. â€Å"Myrtle’ll be hurt if you don’t come up to the apartment. Won’t you, Myrtle?†(Page 28) Yet again, this citation serves to demonstrate Tom’s commanding personality. More specifically, he answers for Myrtle as if she couldn’t have answered herself. As a result of Fitzgerald’s effectual use of diction and word choice, the passage is able to effectively develop Tom’s character. Tom’s domineering and forceful persona is further enhanced in this passage through the demonstration of his gestures and dialogue. Although Tom does not play a major role in the selected passage, his persona is greatly shaped through the author’s use of language. Much of this chapter is dedicated to the augmentation of Myrtle’s character. The author uses imagery, dialogue, and diction to create her personality. The use of imagery is seen in the beginning of the passage: â€Å"She had changed her dress to a brown figured muslin, which stretched tight over her rather wide hips†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Page 26) Myrtle’s actions also have a lot to say about her character. An example was when she â€Å"let four taxicabs drive away before she selected a new one.†(Page 27) This type of behavior serves to contrast her true lifestyle of being married to a poor and hard working garage man. â€Å"Is it a boy or a girl?†she asked delicately. (Page 28) This citation from the passage builds onto Myrtle’s sensitive side. It also shows that she cares about the unimportant sides to life and is very materialistic. â€Å"Mrs. Wilson gathered up her dog and other purchases, and went haughtily in.†(Page 28) This quote, along with many others made in this selection make great use of adverbs to create the character of Mrs. Wilson. The use of the word ‘haughtily’ adds to the arrogant character that she displays. This again contrasts her true lifestyle and emphasizes her dual personality. Other adverbs that were used in this passage to characterize Myrtle were: eagerly, enthusiastically, delicately, and earnestly. All of these adverbs in one sense or another characterize Mrs. Wilson’s actions and character. Accordingly, the author’s language uses imagery, adverbs, and actions that create her arrogant and contrasting personality. In conclusion, F. Scott Fitzgerald effectively employed diction and selection of detail to develop the characters of Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson. He did this by using various literary techniques and parts of speech to emphasize the character’s personality. For example, he uses imagery, irony, adverbs, dialogue, actions, adjectives, and mannerisms to bring out the arrogance of Myrtle and indifference of Tom Buchanan. Thus, the author properly uses diction and selection of detail to serve the purpose of developing the characters of Mrs. Wilson and Tom Buchanan.
Friday, January 3, 2020
State s Control Over Sexuality - 2212 Words
In this paper, we will analyze different models of state power and apply them to how the state approaches the issue of HIV/AIDS. We will examine the issue in relation to how the state uses sexuality to control and regulate its population. We will utilize Dean Spade’s principle of â€Å"population-management power†for such ends and contrast it with other models of state power and their shortages when we try to explain the state’s control over sexuality. First, we outline the theoretical framework of power models on which this paper will be built. The conventional way of thinking about oppression usually revolves around laws that discriminate against specific groups because of specific features that are claimed to be â€Å"inherent†and â€Å"wrong†pertaining to that specific group that don’t match the normal view of society of a â€Å"good†citizen. Hence, most of the discourse on the subject of oppression has been dedicated to introd uction or reform of laws that nullify this oppression and advance the status of those oppressed groups in the name of human rights. This is particularly what Dean Spade refers to as the Victim-Perpetrator model of power (Spade 102). Under this model, power operates through subtraction and exclusion from full citizenship. This is evident in exclusionary practices when it comes to property, health, etc. such as in the case of racism (Spade 117). However, this model isn’t seen as oppressive because it operates under the framework of equality that the state claims.Show MoreRelatedThe Birth Control Pill And The Sexual Revolution884 Words  | 4 Pagesfor American women. This was the image that the United States portrayed around 60 years ago, not giving the same freedom that Americans can have today and express carelessly. 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Depending on where you are in the world human sexuality will constantly be contested and changed based on how people feel about other people, even if that meansRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrisson s Sul a 1359 Words  | 6 Pages Steve Maraboli wrote, â€Å"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over, instead of craving control over what you don’t.†While perceptions towards female sexuality have become more and more liberal over time, they still tend towards an expediently bigoted dynamic in which women are only encouraged to be sexual to an extent. The idea of women being self-confident, even single-minded, in cultivating rousing sex lives is still often lookedRead MoreAbstinence Only Programs : Funding The Demolishment Of Human Rights1454 Words  | 6 Pagesmovie Mean Girls swarms the brains of teenagers all over the world. While this quote is quite extreme and is making a mockery of abstinence only programs, it’s analogous to what teachers across the nation are reciting to brainwash our youth. Abstinence-Until-Marriage programs are implemented in numerous high school and junior high schools across the country. While th e title seems promising, â€Å"Mathematica [Policy Research Inc. (on behalf of U. S. Department of Health and Human Services) found thatRead MoreSexuality In Bram Stokers Dracula1082 Words  | 5 PagesSexuality in Bram Stoker s DraculaBram Stoker s Dracula, favorably received by critics upon publication in 1897, entertained its Victorian audience with unspeakable horrors such as vampires invading bedrooms to prey on beautiful maidens under the guise of night. The novel s eroticism proved even more unspeakable. Received in the era of repression, it remains questionable whether Dracula s readership perceived the sexuality flowing from the page. An advocate for the censorship of sexual materialRead MoreReview Of The Quilt 1097 Words  | 5 PagesLauren Jackson Prompt #2 â€Å"The Quilt†TA: 15 February 2015 Role of Sexuality in â€Å"The Quilt†In my opinion, we are all born with natural sex. But gender is a socio-cultural and man-made classification. Symons that is coined with the gender â€Å"male†is â€Å"strength†, â€Å"power†and â€Å"domination†. Words that are representative of the gender â€Å"female†are â€Å"pretty†, â€Å"delicate†and â€Å"submissive†. Gender divides human beings based on sex. Gender creates restrictions on women in a socio-cultural manner, for example
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