Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Guiding Childrens Behavior Why I Chose This Field Essay
Philosophy Paper 1.) Why have you chosen to be in this field? The first 5 years are pivotal in a child’s life. What a child learns during this fundamental period will forever mold and shape them. It is a tremendous benefit that they have exposure to an excellent teaching staff. It would be desirable that all children could avail this resource. However, though that is idealistic, I hope my entry into the field improves the lives of the children I serve. It is my aim to meet this standard of excellence in guiding children to learn developmentally appropriate skills which will help them achieve a successful academic future. I am aware that I will be setting the tone for their future as a student. This is their first exposure to school.†¦show more content†¦A teacher plays a significant role in the lives of children. Aside from the attributes listed above, a good teacher nurtures/cares for each student, observes each child’s strength and weaknesses, takes note of them, and facilitates opportunities for the child to develop in each of the domains (cognitive, physical, social/emotional, language, creative). A teacher also needs to be aware of when to get involved in a child’s play. For example, if the children have exhausted their storyline, the teacher needs to facilitate the plot by adding a character and/or asking the child open ended questions, which will encourage the child to think. Teachers also have a responsibility to the parents of the children in their care. Most parents are going to be very interested in how the child is doing in class and the teacher needs to be prepared to relay explicit feedback on student progress. The teacher may also need to propose ways the family can guide the student in personal growth, including ways they can support and reinforce classroom goals. 3.) Guiding Children’s Behavior: The early childhood educator plays a vital role in guiding a child’s behavior. For example, the teacher supports self-regulation skills inShow MoreRelated Youth Sports are Beneficial Essay3780 Words  | 16 Pagesmajor league uniforms, sports play an intricate part of the development and maturation of a youngster. Beneath it’s presumed purity, however, lies an occasionally seedy underbelly. Win-at-all cost coaches and tyrannical, overbearing parents have turned this innocent recreational activity into a nightmarish hell for some juvenile participants, and have left many wondering if sports is a helpful or a harmful stage in a child’s life. Conventional wisdom tells us that the greatest rewards obtained byRead MoreProfessional School Counseling3972 Words  | 16 PagesAbstract Over the years experts have studied the history and developmental aspects of the professional school counseling field. 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